New life and New feelings

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"You alright? No one said anything to you right?" Taehyung asked when they were walking towards the exit of the venue and Meera shook her head.

"No one paid attention to me. I was fine and studied the whole time."

"Good. I wanted to ask you something. I.. My mom and dad have been asking me to go visit ever since I came back to Korea." Taehyung looked at Meera expectantly as they waited for the driver to bring up the car to the entrance of the building.

"Uhh.. you can go, I think I'll be fine for a few more hours." Meera said, not understanding why he was asking her about a visit to his parents. He had taken about 4 hours to shoot his parts and about 20 mins to change back into his own clothes and remove the makeup. She was sure she could go a few more hours without him if he wanted to go to his parent's house. It was him she was worried about. He was the one who would need her in about 2-3 hours.

"No, I mean.. My mom's been pestering me to take you to visit them. My family wants to meet you."

"Wha- I.. but why?" Taehyung made a noise of amusement at Meera's wide panicked eyes and pulled her when the van came as she had frozen completely.

"You are my soulmate Meera- wear your seatbelt- of course they want to meet you." he said as they got into the car.

"But.. but I.."

"Are you nervous?" He asked, taking her hands into his and reaching to her through the bond at the same time. She did seem frazzled to him. "Don't be. They are good people, kind even. They wanted to meet you sooner, as soon as we arrived in Korea. Mom had planned a lunch, especially for you. I asked them to wait so you would get settled in first. They have been waiting patiently all this time. And I.. you know I wouldn't let anything bad happen. Trust me?" He asked, rubbing the backs of her hand with his thumbs.

That moment, looking into her vulnerable eyes which were looking at him with utter trust and hope and feeling how small and fragile her shaking hands were in his large ones, Taehyung realised one thing. He had started liking her, not just as a person, but on a deeper level. He had started to care for her and not just because she was his soulmate. He realised that soulmate or not, she was now his to care for, his to protect, his to nurture.

Meera gazed into those warm eyes and was reminded of what an ARMY had once said in a tweet. That tweet was seared into her mind and now she realised how true it was.

"Taehyung was born in the middle of the winter because the Universe saved the entire year's worth of warmth and filled it inside him."

He was the warmest, fuzziest and cosiest person she had ever met. A strong, steadfast bear whose eyes held the silent promise to protect her no matter what.

He squeezed her hands lightly, reminding her that he had asked her something and she released a breath.

"Okay, I just.. What if they don't like me?" She asked him and he rolled his eyes at her.

"Don't ask stupid questions. Of course they'll like you. Who wouldn't like you?"

Meera was flustered at that, what could she even say? She simply nodded and settled back into her seat.

"You could have told me earlier. I would have worn something... prettier." She mumbled sulkily as she stared out of the car.

Taehyung looked at her and frowned.

"But you look pretty in this dress. What's wrong with it?" Meera's cheeks reddened even more as she tried to disappear into the seat.

"Stop thinking too much and stop saying stupid things. You do look really pretty. My parents are going to love you." He said, recognizing she needed a boost of confidence and giving it to her.

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