Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Threat Ji Changshan can barely see his eyes. ...

    If Chen Yueshu was unmarried, he would be the one who got the certificate with him today. Ji Changshan didn't feel sorry for this, after all, Peng Lang's appearance had already made up for the vacancy. She was facing the elevator door, and the elevator room in the distance was bright on all sides, like a brown mirror. Chen Yueshu's mirror image stood obliquely in front of her. Ji Changshan felt that the other party's eyes were hovering on her face. People look at each other.

    "Changshan, please come down to my office later."

    Ji Changshan couldn't let him speak directly with the monitor installed on his head. She got out of the elevator and returned to the group to tell her subordinates to follow up on Hongguo and Langyu's negotiation news. The subordinates are used to seeing her expressionless face, and they don't know how the boss is feeling, so they pinched their fingers repeatedly and said cautiously: "Director, someone in my family has read the almanac and said that it is auspicious to get the certificate this afternoon. Can you see if you can agree?" Fake? I'll go to the Civil Affairs Bureau."

    Thinking of the marriage certificate in his bag, Ji Changshan couldn't just allow the director to get married and not allow his subordinates to get the certificate. She nodded to approve the leave, but asked her subordinates to come back later and work overtime to make up for it. The subordinate was smiling, thinking that only a boss who lacks the nourishment of love would be so cruel.

    Relying on Ji Changshan's life experience in his younger half of his life, feelings do not nourish the soul, but dry up the soul. Instead of trying to make someone love her, she should concentrate on her work.

    Performance never lied, she got as much commission as she sold coffee, and used the money as a sharp knife to cut through the mess. When Ji Changshan slapped 1.01 million in front of Ji Xiaoyun, she wanted to cry.

    She picked up the sales plan for the new product launch, and walked to Chen Yueshu's door.

    The walls of his office are made of transparent glass, and the blinds are always placed to the bottom, blocking the inside tightly.

    Ji Changshan knocked on the door twice, and pushed open the door when he heard someone say "come in".

    In the office, half of the floor-to-ceiling windows were blocked by thick curtains, and it was a little dark. Chen Yueshu was sitting at the white desk, with his palms spread out to the seat in front of him, asking Ji Changshan to sit down.

    She was not polite, she just sat down and explained the plan to her boss in a business-like manner. Chen Yueshu waited for her to finish speaking, then went through the plan, "You can do whatever you want." He took out a diamond ring from the drawer, which was the one that Ji Changshan threw at his feet yesterday, "Being a girlfriend is also fine. "

    "If you have nothing else to do, I'll go back first." Ji Changshan didn't look at the diamond ring at all.

    Chen Yueshu sat in his seat and smiled, "If I wasn't married, I would definitely marry you. In fact, being married doesn't prevent us from falling in love. We can eat together if we eat men and women." He put a hotel room

    card Clipped the plan, pushed it together with the ring to Ji Changshan's eyes, took her hand and rubbed it twice, "Let's talk about work in another place, okay? Let's chat, open our hearts, and see what the promotion letter can do for you." Write something."

    Looking at the things in front of him, Ji Changshan couldn't help laughing.

    She took out the room card and looked at it for two seconds. It was still the Peng's Hotel on the day of the proposal, and probably had a presidential suite.

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