Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 How is the scale counted as the default scale?

    The rain was getting stronger, and the car windows were as blurred as frosted glass, and only the outlines and colors of the outside world could be barely seen. There was a big umbrella and a black suit jacket on the back seat, Peng Lang stretched out his hand and asked Ji Changshan to put on the jacket, and got out of the car later, he went around to pick her up.

    Ji Changshan wore a pair of flat shoes with exposed insteps. Although there was no water on the road, the rain scraped the insteps obliquely after walking a few steps, so the rain was not too cold. The air was hot and humid, soaking the surface of the skin, Ji Changshan was held by Peng Lang's shoulders, and he was holding an umbrella with his left hand. In order to take care of her height, he opened the umbrella very low.

    The last time they walked together in the rain, they each held an umbrella. Seeing that Ji Changshan's umbrella was broken, Peng Lang asked her to take shelter under his umbrella. She didn't want to get too close to him, so she said thank you and no need. It was still cold.     Ji Changshan climbed a few steps, the rain fell from the eaves, and a few rain flowers were splashed on the coat on his shoulders, but the rest of the place was considered dry. She glanced at Peng Lang who was closing his umbrella. He was wearing a black shirt, half of his shoulders were soaked, and the wet fabric was pressed against his chest, revealing his broad and healthy chest muscles.     Averting his gaze, his black eyes flickered around twice, Ji Changshan didn't know why he was thinking that he was in good shape.     Peng Lang patted the water droplets on his body, took Ji Changshan's little hand and walked upstairs.     Her hands are long and small, with well-defined bones in her palms, slightly uncomfortable. Peng Lang likes to hold her hand, stay by her side, he can find peace of mind, as if he has found a small but tough safe haven.     The first time Peng Lang met Ji Changshan was on a certain spring night five years ago. It was raining that day, she walked out of the 24-hour convenience store without an umbrella, and covered her head with a black suit jacket.     He worked as a chauffeur and smoked half a cigarette while waiting for customers. Ji Changshan opened the door to get in the car, choked on the smell of smoke, and coughed a few times. Peng Lang extinguished his cigarette, glanced calmly in the rearview mirror, and apologized.     Ji Changshan nodded in response to his apology.     She lives in the west edge of the city, and the area is mostly old-fashioned residential buildings, each with seven floors, and the outer walls are dilapidated like rust.     The commuters who live there usually take the subway to and from get off work and don't know how to take a special taxi.

    Peng Lang didn't care about the guest's lifestyle, started the car slowly, and listened to her typing on the keyboard of the laptop in the back seat.

    Da da, da, somehow quiet down, three minutes of silence, suddenly there is a sound of sniffling, very subtle.

    When the car encountered a red light, it stopped lightly, Peng Lang looked in the rearview mirror, Ji Changshan's fair cheeks floated with a layer of water, her eyes kept pouring out tears, her tears were bigger than other people's , one by one trickled down to her chin, and she rubbed them away vigorously with the back of her hand.

    She tried her best to stare at the computer screen, as if forcing herself to read calmly, her lips were biting blue, and there was no extra expression.

    The phone in the back seat vibrated.

    Ji Changshan took out a tissue from his bag, took a few to blow his nose, cleared his throat twice to answer the phone, and reported the work situation to his superior in an orderly manner. Taking advantage of the interval between the other party's conversation, he took a tissue with one hand and wiped tears on his face indiscriminately.

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