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Hi, just want to preface that I'm not a songwriter LOL. So if it's cringe or bad I tried

Have a great day y'all


Community events started off as something Lia avoided. But, over time, she's started to enjoy them more. There was something about them that felt homely, even when you never participated. It continued to prove how Jackson consistently proved themselves as a good community.

"You look nice," Leo commented to his sister, "Where'd you get that?"

Lia looked at the dress in the mirror, smiling, "Kate. She had a few from when she went to her old place. Got them for Cassie one day."

"Why are you dressing up?" Leo asked, "It's just a bonfire tonight."

"Because I feel like it." Lia tells Leo, sending him a small smile. She pulls her hair up. He nods slowly, watching with a confused frown as Lia straightens out her dress and continuously fixes her hair.

"It's gonna get cold, you know. Should bring a jacket."

"I will."

"Pants will probably help, too."

"I'm good."

"Right, wouldn't want to disappoint whoever you're trying to impress."

"What?" Lia frowns, "I said I was doing this for myself."

"Okay, sure," Leo nodded, smiling slightly as Lia continues to fix herself in the mirror. He didn't really care who she was trying to impress - this is the most normal he's ever seen Lia. It's like she was in the old world - never once did she do this before.

Lia turned to Leo when she felt okay, "Marley meeting you there first?"

"Yeah," Leo nodded, "She's just finishing up patrol." Lia nodded, going over to her closet and looking for a jacket. Leo smirked as Lia nervously looked between two jackets, "Black one is nice."

"Yeah," Lia nodded, throwing it on and going back to the mirror. Leo chuckled as Lia kept pushing her hair behind her ear and taking it out.

"Your hair looks nice either way."

"Is there one you prefer?"

"Down," Leo replied, "But like I said, either is fine."

Lia nodded, pulling her hair down and looking over at Leo. She asked if he was ready to go and both of them made their way down to where the bonfire would be tonight.

She felt bad for the groups that still had to keep watch or patrol. It was always a rotation, never the same unless someone volunteered.

When the twins arrived to the bonfire, most of the community was already here. Lia spotted Dina at the drink table with Jesse, heading there and greeting the couple.

"Look at you," Dina smiled at the girl, "Where'd you even get this?"


"It's pretty," Dina looks Lia up and down with a smile, "I have to borrow it - if Kate would let me."

"I'm sure she would." Lia nodded as she grabbed a drink from the table, "Has Ellie got here yet?"

"Mhm," Dina nodded, "I think she was talking to Maria." Lia looks over where Dina was pointing and smiled slightly when she saw Ellie talking to Maria. She saw that Ellie was holding a guitar and assumed the girl was going to play tonight, "You should go talk to her. She was looking for you earlier," Dina tells Lia who gives her a nod.

Lia grabs another drink, carrying it over to Ellie and offering it to the girl, "Hey, thought you might want this." Ellie looked at the drink then back to the girl, smiling at her and accepting it, "You playing tonight?"

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