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TRIGGER WARNING: talks of non-consensual sex, blood and descriptions of death.


When Friday came, Lia felt anticipated for the night. Today was the day they were finally going to escape. Lia just wishes Andy was joining them.

Lia looked out her window to see Leo looking up at her. He points out to the bush behind him and showed Lia the bow and supplies he left there for her. Lia nodded at him, indicating for him to go. He sends her a quick nod, giving her a thumbs up before walking away.

The ceremony should be soon. It's just enough time for Lia to start her part.

Right from the moment Henry woke up, Lia brought him various alcohols. She knew Henry wouldn't say no - he spent most of his time drinking. He usually didn't even notice how much he's had until he was drunk.

It was sad just how easy it was.

Although, the hard part of her plan was getting him drunk enough to remember the ceremony. Henry did a lot of things drunk. She needed to make sure he was incapable to go.

"Food, get me food," Henry slurred, "I need to get to the ceremony."

Lia nodded to the man, walking to the kitchen. She prepared a small meal. At the end, she soaked alcohol in the food and snuck more into the drink as she brought it out to Henry. Lia smirked to herself when Henry was already too drunk to noticed the alcohol in his food and drinks.

Lia slowly walked around, grabbing things and cleaning while she kept her eyes on Henry. She watched Henry try and get up, falling back down in the chair as he held his head.

She made her way up the stairs and walked over to the vent where she kept all of her supplies. Lia grabbed the throwing knives, tucking a few in her bra. She grabbed some rope she had Leo sneak for her and putting it under the bed. Lia hid the rest of the supplies in the ventwhen she heard stumbling up the stairs.

Lia turned to see Henry stumbling into the room. She kept her eyes down and bit the inside of her cheek as she listened. Lia walked slowly towards the man, discreetly holding out her leg and smiling when he trips over it and falls on the bed.

"Fuck!" Henry slurs out. Lia acted quickly, taking the rope and holding down Henry as she tied up his arms around the bed post, "What the fuck?" Henry's voice faded in and out.

Lia walked over to the window, sticking her head out seeing the the ceremony was starting and everyone was gathering. She could hear the animalistic shouting from here.

She walked back to the man, standing in front of the bed and staring at the man with hatred. Lia watched as Henry pulled against the restraints, "Don't bother," Lia told the man. His eyes furrowed - this was the first time Henry's ever heard Lia's voice, "Everyone's at the breeding ceremony."

"The-the ceremony," Henry groaned, "I"m supposed to be there you bitch! You can't talk to me!"

"You don't get to control me," Lia told him, "You're the one tied up."

Henry's head lolled to the side, his body shaking as he tried to get out of the ropes. Lia pulled out one of her knives, twirling it as she looked over at the man who had been the cause of so many peoples pain.

Lia held the knife over Henry's leg, watching the man before digging it in. Henry screamed out in pain, it only getting louder when Lia put another wound into his side, "Everywhere you've hurt, I'm hurting you back," Lia seethed out to the man, anger taking over.

She took the knife, bringing it up then bringing it down. She repeated the movements, not even noticing the blood that started to coat her hands, arms and even on her face and chest. Lia only stopped when she plunged the knife into his heart. Although, he was long gone by now. He was unrecognizable now.

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