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TRIGGER WARNING: descriptions of fighting and talks of non-consensual sex. Please put your mental health first.


The day of the claiming, Amelia showed up already claimed. She wore the green paint up until the ceremony. Now, on the day for the doomed, Amelia showed up with black paint. She followed Ethan and Leo to the ceremony, but one they got there, she was pulled away by Henry's men and forced to stand next to him.

Claiming ceremonies only happened twice a year. About every 6 months. What happens is that they round up all the eligible girls and one by one the bid them off to be claimed. If there was more than one man who wants to claim a girl, then they'll have to fight for it. Not to the death, that'd be a waste of good fighters, but just enough to show a clear winner.

For claiming ceremonies, your standing in the Haros doesn't matter. You could be one of the most important people, but you still have to fight fairly. All that matters is how strong you are.

Even Henry would have to fight, but no one would dare to challenge him. If they did win, then Henry would have their head. If no one wanted to claim the girl, she was passed on to the lowest family in the community. Although, that rarely ever happened.

In this ceremony, there was six girls. Amelia felt her heart clench when she saw the youngest in the group. No one in this group deserved this. No one in this camp deserved this fate.

The part that Amelia hated the most, one that made her stomach turn even more, was watching the men try to claim them. They were like animals, trying to catch their prey.

Amelia did her best to black everything out. Most of her life, she has just blacked out. Andy's mom taught the girls how to. It was the only way to save them and keep their hearts.

Block out the bad, try to remember only the good.

Amelia stared forward, making it look like she was watching, but she really let her mind go somewhere else.

Amelia fell so deep into her own mind that she zoned out the animalistic roars from the crowd when the first girl was called upon. She instead went to the farm where there were mountains, sunsets and peace. Where there were beautiful views that Amelia could just stare at.

Although, when Andy stepped forward, there was no chance Amelia could exit into her mind. Her eyes were focused on the blonde who was shaking as men stepped forward.

Amelia looked over where Ethan and Leo were standing. Ethan had a blank look on his face but Leo looked worried and disgusted as each man started to call upon them.

"Andrea Calloway, 13," Henry announced to the group. One by one, men called out to make a claim.

"I'll make a claim!"

"I want to claim!"

"My son will make a claim!"

"She's mine!"

Henry laughed at the crowd. A gleeful look took over his features as he grinned, "Looks like we got a rumble!"

Amelia gripped the rail as she watched. A rumble was simple. They placed everyone who made a claim into an arena and they fought. Only rule was no killing and no maiming. Everything else was fair and square.

When the men stepped into the arena, Amelia's lips parted when she saw one of the contestants: Steven. He was younger, around early 20s, but he was strong. One of the strongest in camp.

A few guys decided to team up, going after Steven to get the strongest out first. However, they didn't last long as Steven then grabbed one of the guys arms, pulling hard so his shoulder popped out of his socket. Steven then grabbed the two men's heads, smashing them together. Not enough to do permanent damage, but enough to knock them out.

Steven moved onto the next guy. This one wasn't too weak. He was actually a good fighter. He wasn't as strong as Steven, but he was quick. Every punch Steven sent, the man was able to dodge. He even got in a few punches himself.

His downfall was when he got too cocky. The minute he smirked at Steven, who was doubled over trying to catch his breath, and winked at Andy, he was done.

His cries could be heard over the roaring crowd after Steven went for him.

Steven only had two men to defeat next. Both of them looked towards each other, then towards Steven and then towards the man on the ground in pain.

One of them gulped. Amelia didn't even feel bad when he was knocked out with one punch.

The last guy put up more of a fight, but it was nothing compared to Steven. He didn't really have a chance.

Every girl has been claimed now.


After the ceremony, each girl had to be prepped. Because Amelia already had her black paint on, and Henry sent for her things in the morning, Amelia was forced to go before the other girls.

She didn't get to say goodbye to Leo. Even though they would see each other around camp, Leo wouldn't be allowed to talk to him in public.

They had a plan, though. Leo agreed to train her at night, as long as she was able to figure out how to sneak around Henry. It was worth the risk.

Amelia walked past Andy's house. Through the window, she could see Andy's dad crying as he hugged the blonde. This would be the last time he could speak or look into his daughter's eyes.

It was nice to see that he cared.

Amelia could make out Andy's crying face. She was dragged upstairs to change into the black paint before she would be forced to leave her home.

When they got to Henry's house, Amelia felt her body go cold.

It was the nicest house in the community, but it wasn't homey. It had lots of alcohol, mainly whiskey, and didn't have any sense of comfort.

Amelia remembered Andy's mom's lessons. She had to finally use them.

She went into her own mind, put up a protective barrier and blacked out the rest. 

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