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TRIGGER WARNING: talks of sexual and physical abuse, blood and pedophilia.

This chapter, along with the next few, are going to be really hard. My story covers a lot of sensitive issues and I have spent a lot of time researching to both understand and convey these issues. All research is done both through essays, articles and through personal experience.

Unfortunately, multiple types of abuse are still common in all parts of the world and it's an issue that so many people have to deal with and has lasting effects. Please only read if you can handle these topics - do not read if it will harm your mental and physcial health. Your health is more important than a story.

I have a bit more of a personal note at the bottom of the chapter. Read only if you wish.


Periods have always been a subject that brought mixed emotions to Lia. On one hand, her period is the reason she was put into breeding duties; on the other hand, getting it was a sign she wasn't pregnant.

Her period was irregular. She tried to read about it, and while she couldn't diagnose herself, she had a few theories. There was the obvious, pregnancy, but Lia wasn't worried about that. Henry never reproduced, most assumed he was sterile.

Then there's also hormonal imbalances, lack of nutrition and there's also trauma. Apparently, trauma can fuck up both the mind and body that it can cause period irregularities.

Even after being in Jackson for five months, Lia never got her period. She only confessed it to Maria, who was concerned for the girl and wanted to test her, but Lia always found a way out of it. Lia was fine, she told herself. There was nothing wrong with her.

Although, one night Leo woke up to Lia crying and screaming. He ran to her room, panicking, his eyes widened with concern when she was doubled over the bed, clutching her stomach in pain.

"Lia! What's wrong?" Leo rushed over to his sister.

"Nothing," Lia mumbles, "Just some period pain- ahh," Lia scrunches her eyebrows together as she lets out another scream of pain.

"This isn't nothing, Lia," Leo whispers, "Come on, I'm taking you over to Kate's."

Lia goes to protest, but when another punch goes to her stomach, she can't help but nod as the abdominal pain gets worse and she feels a trickle of blood run down her leg.

Leo gulps when Lia stood up and he saw blood staining her pants, "Fuck," He whispers, "You won't make it.... Please, stay here? I'm going to get her!"

Lia doesn't reply as Leo goes running out of the house to get help. He knew Kate was one of the few people that Lia was beginning to trust, so he ran straight to her house. On his way, he turned the corner to her house, running into a group of people hard.

"Leo?" Joel asks, "Why the fuck are you runn-"

"It's Lia - she's in a lot of pain and I don't know what's happening. I was getting Kate."

"Pain? Where?" Maria asked, stepping towards the boy.

"H-her stomach," Leo shook his head, "She's clutching her stomach and bleeding from... down there. She said it was her period-"

"Fuck," Maria whispered, knowing what Lia told her earlier, "Go get Kate. I'll go back to your house and stay with Lia. Joel, Tommy, Ellie - grab some supplies. Pain relievers, bandages. Whatever."

The three nodded, taking off towards the medical wing to grab the supplies. Leo had already ran off to get Kate the minute Maria's words reached his ears.

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