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"Okay, try again," Lia chuckled as she handed Ellie one of her knives and stood to the side as Ellie closed one of her eyes to aim. She bit her lip to hold in a smile and try not to laugh at how bad Ellie was at this.

"You can't say shit," Ellie says, "You still have a shit shot with a gun."

"I didn't say shit."

"Your face said shit."

"You shouldn't be focusing on my face. You should be focusing on the target," Lia pointed to the target she set up, "No wonder you're a shit shot if you're focusing on my face."

Ellie smirked very slightly. Her cheeks reddened and she bit her cheek to hold in a comment as she focused on the target. When she released the knife, it wasn't bad, but it definitely wasn't good.

"I don't know how you do this," Ellie turned to Lia who shrugged.

"Guess I'm just better than you."

Ellie raised an eyebrow at the girl, smiling in surprise at the comeback. Before she could reply, she spotted Dina walking towards them. Lia sent the girl a small smile, greeting the girl as she watched Ellie with a smirk.

"You really are shit-"

"Oh, fuck off!" Ellie sighed as Dina laughed.

Dina turned to Lia, "Leo's lookin' for you."

"Did you tell him where I was?"


"Thank you," Lia smiled, "I'll find him later and let him know I'll return home."

"You are?" Ellie asked, turning to the girl and dropping the knife.

"Oh, well, I've been at your place for two weeks now... I don't want to intrude for too long."

"You're not intruding."

"Oh," Lia replied back, not sure what else to say. Truth was, she really liked staying at Ellie's. It was some of the best nights of sleep she's had - and she was just sleeping on the couch. When Ellie wasn't on patrol, she was hanging out with Lia (and Dina when the girl joined), and both were sorta in their own world.

Both of them felt the small switch. Before, they usually tried to find each other in a room and got close throughout the years. But ever since Lia went missing that week, both of them felt a tug for each other. A feeling of missing something because it was the first time in years that they didn't see each other. 

Lia turned to Dina who was smirking over at Ellie. The girl furrowed her eyebrows and nudged Dina who turned back to her with a smile. Dina's eyes widened slightly, "Fuck! I almost forgot. Maria's also looking for you. Same with Kate for our 'special project'."

This time, Ellie turned to them confused, "What project?"

"Nothing," Dina told her quickly, turning to Lia, "I would go see her, though. She wants to finish it up."

"Sure," Lia nodded. She turned around when she heard footsteps approach and raised an eyebrow toward Ellie.

"I'll walk you," Ellie shrugged. Lia nodded slowly, her eyes turning to Dina when the girl snorted. Lia also saw Ellie glare at Dina, hitting the back of her head when they walked away.

Lia didn't comment on the hit. She just bit her cheek to hold in a smile while she and Ellie walked over to Maria and Tommy's place first.

"So," Ellie said slowly, "What's this secret project?"

"It's for Cassie," Lia smiled, "her birthday is coming up and Kate wants to do something special for her. Asked for my and Dina's help. We were working on it a bit. Before everything. Sadie was part of it too, but after everything-" Lia paused slightly, "we just have some reworking to do with it."

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