You're Enough

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  Jihoon groaned in frustration. He was at his studio as always, but something was not right. He was producing a song but nothing good came out, nothing exceeded his expectations. 

 " God, can't I think of something good?! " Jihoon slammed the table and went outside to get some fresh air. " Hey... are you okay? " Soonyoung asked, scaring Jihoon. " I can't think of anything good. And why are you awake now? It's 2:45 am. " Jihoon said, as he continued looking at the dark sky of Seoul.

  " Couldn't sleep. You know it's hard for me to sleep without cuddling someone. " Soonyoung back hugged his boyfriend as they enjoyed the warm feeling. " I'm scared. " Jihoon said, shocking the other. Jihoon wasn't one that could easily express his emotions. 

  " Why? " Soonyoung asked. " Our future. Both of us and our group's future, will I be enough to continue this? Will I still be able to carry the burden of being Seventeen's producer? One day, will all carats and our members hate me or forget me? That's what I'm scared of. " Jihoon explained, looking at Soonyoung in the eyes with tears.

  " Carats will never forget you, because they aren't carats if they do. We will never forget you. Jihoon-ah, listen to me. Not everyone is going to hurt you, there will be people who will, but let me tell you something. I will always be there for you. " Soonyoung took the other's chin and tilted it up to face him. 

  Jihoon started bawling his eyes out, which made Soonyoung realise how much he needed to hear that. " I-I'm sorry... I just can't afford to lose you guys too. You guys are the only ones I have left. " Jihoon said. " I can't just sit there while you're suffering so much. I can't promise anything, but I promise to always be by your side. Always. " Soonyoung gave a peck to the other's forehead.

  " But, you don't understand... It's not enough, no matter how much I love you guys and Carats, it's still my fault if the songs don't turn out good! I'm not enough, Soonyoung-ah... It's too much, the pressure. It would probably be better if I just jump off this balcony right now. " Jihoon dryly chuckled. " Yah! Don't think like that. What about your family? What about us? What about Carats? How would they feel if our producer jumped off the balcony? " Soonyoung's grip on Jihoon got tighter. 

  " It's just... been so hard. The company's already been up my neck and Seungcheol is just nagging me to sleep when he clearly knows I can't! At least not now. " Jihoon said while soonyoung continued to comfort him. " The company does that because he knows we want the best for our carats. Seungcheol does that because he loves you so much, and you haven't slept for 4 days, what do you expect? " 

  " Everyone has their tough days, and this is one of them. And do you know what you're supposed to do? Prove that you can overcome it, prove that you are much better! " Soonyoung shouted, raising his arms up making Jihoon chuckle.

  " I better go back to work now, you have to sleep anyways... " Jihoon said, but Jihoon grabbed his shoulder and turned him to face him. " Hey. You're enough, more than enough. You're one of the most important person in this group, and one thing you have to remember to secure your spot is... You're enough. " Soonyoung ran his hand over the other's hair before giving him a peck and walking away.

  When Jihoon sat in his chair, he couldn't help but smile. The words Soonyoung said were repeating in his head. Thank you, Soonyoung-ah...



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