Chapter 49: Technically the Truth

Start from the beginning

The larger ships were targeted first. The destroyers, carriers, and most of the cruisers were blown out of the sky as quickly and easily as the last fleet had been. Just when all seemed lost, the Klaath stopped firing. A few seconds later the RingGate broke apart. The klusters that had maintained it all veered out of the rotation, moving to surround the eight Queenships that were now missing a third of their hull.

"Queenships damaged," said Fightsmart. "Not dead. Still coordinate other Klaath." The fight played out in fast forward as the remains of Mims' fleet made a desperate push to reach the Queenships. "Got beam frigate within ninety thousand klicks. Killed Queens. Other Klaath go crazy. Kill fleet. But Queens dead. Most destroyers dead. Militia Reinforcements showed up later. Killed rest. Took week."

"Queens should've killed fleet. Didn't know why they stopped. Why RingGate stopped." The holographic display changed, showing the sensor display from the Random Encounter after they'd found themselves in Klaath space. "Know now. Blockhead done it."

Admiral Fightsmart narrated as Yvian watched her desperate ploy replayed. The whole thing made her look far more impressive than she'd felt at the time. She watched Mims link up with her legless former self as the Wandering Lady barreled towards the Queenships with its improvised payload of Vore. It took nearly an hour for her beloved former ship to crash into them. Tendrils of silvery nanotech shot out in all directions, infecting the Klaath with frightening speed. Then the RingGate closed, severing the Queenships before the Vore could take them over.

"Mimsey-cake moved ship," Fightsmart finished. "Studied nanotech weapon. Five days. Then left."

The Board of Masters asked questions. Most of them were for Mims, but Yvian answered a few, as well. Lissa was asked to share what she'd learned studying the Vore. Eventually, one of the Masters asked the question Yvian had been dreading.

"No Jumpgates in Klaath space," said the Master. "How you get back?"

"The jumpdrive," Mims answered. "Apparently if you activate it without nav data it takes you to the closest Gate." He frowned. "Or a random one. We're not really sure."

"Where you end up?"

"Xill space."

Shocked exclamations ensued. After a few seconds the Board calmed down enough that

Fightsmart asked, "You fought through Xill space?"

"No." The Captain visibly resisted the urge to scratch the back of his head. "The Xill escorted us out. They don't attack humans unless provoked."

Fightsmart frowned. "Why not?"

Mims shrugged. "Been that way for centuries. The government never explained it. I don't think they knew."

Half an hour later, the Board decided they'd asked enough questions. The Grandmaster banged his desk gong and declared the Performance Evaluation over. Mims and company were escorted out of the amphitheater, along with Danil and his camera drone. They were taken down a hallway and into a smaller conference room with a long intricately carved wooden table at it's center.

Lunch was brought to them. Gribsteak and steamed tubers. It was good. After eating, they waited. Yvian spent the time with her helmet on, listening to an audiobook.

Two hours later, King Tallest walked in. Behind him came Admiral Fightsmart. They were back in their regular clothes, and the King's turret crown clung to his massive skull at a jaunty angle. Behind them came four guards carrying a truthiness box. Behind the guards came more guards. A lot more. By the time the truthiness box was set down on the table, thirty armed krog lined the walls of the conference room.

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