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My both feet were heavy from a long walk but that doesn't stop me from from taking a look around the vicinity in the thick forest where I and Olive were to settle for a while before we continue with our journey.

Then I burst into a brook- a clean water flowing on rock and sand; the underneath of the water was very visible from the surface that I could clearly see all the water creatures that lived their in. And I smiled to myself- thanking God for such a gift.

I walked closer to the water and stepped my feet in the water and I felt the chill of the water and gently; it cooled off the extreme heat that had previously taken control of my body.

I have not had a bath in days and the whole of my body was irritating and sticky but I was not in the right frame of my mind to have bath.

So I bent over the water dipped my both palms in the water and scooped a full portion of the water and raised it over my mouth and drank; I did it over and over till I drank to my fill.

I walked up to the river bank and sat on the rock on the dry land; over-looking the stream as it flowed endlessly.

I thought about Olive how happy she would feel to have heard that we have discovered a clean water in the forest.

Previously I was thinking of us settling down for a while in the forest but now I was so convinced that we will survive in the forest having discovered the water.

I thought about the fishes that was swimming around the water how lovely it would be when I and my sister turned them to meal and sudden smile radiated in my face and that was profound joy, the joy of survival.

I quickly sprang up on my feet; my entire mind rested where Olive was and how happy she would be to receive the good news am about to give to her.

Meticulously; I dusted my buttocks of the dust from the rock and traced my way back to where my sister is.

When I got there, she was not there. I looked around but I did not find her and I looked over every trees that surrounded where I left her but she was no where to be found.

I thought out loud as I mumured under my breath.
"But I told her to wait for me here" and I was very sure that she heard me because she nodded in response to the command I gave her.

Eventually; my spine began to grow cold. Sudden fear took over me.
"Where would she be?" I said to myself. Looking at my dad's old suit on the wrapper with our gallon of water beside it.

Convincingly; I arrived at the conclusion that something much be wrong with Olive. Maybe she has been captured by the forest dwellers or probably killed by wild animals.

A part of my thought told me that if she was being killed by wild animals, then; her blood, pieces of her bones and flesh will be littered everywhere.

"Snake; what if it's python that swallowed her and slitered away" another part of my thought tried in vain to convince me but I rebuffed the scary thoughts.

"No way; Olive can't just go like that, no snake can end her life
"I said to myself, while my eyes still scanning through everywhere for my dear little Olive- the only family I have in the entire world wide.

Having thought of danger lurking in connection with the disappearance of my sister I decided not to scream her name nor calling on her because I have no idea what took her away.

So I decided to conceal myself as I stealthily observed the entire environment to know if I can see her but no way.

I tiptoed; slitering from grass to grass to hide my image from what ever it is that happened to my sister; so at least I can see them before they see me but still no show.

I can trace our steps both mine and Olives footsteps as we got to this place but I could not see her foot step leaving or that of other humans or strange animals.

The ground was in it's natural form void of footsteps of her exit and that made the whole scene seems as if Olive just disappeared into the thin air. 
After I have stealthily covered the vescinity I was unable to see any traces of Olive or any strange beings.

"Oliiiiiiveeeee!" I released my voice in a high pitch; screaming her name on the top of my voices.

As I yelled her name I could only hear the distorting resounding echo of my voice from afar.

The whole thing seems like a dream to me; after many screams at the top of my voices trying to get through to my little sister but to no avail.
"So Olive is gone, gone just like that" I said to myself.

Did the ground swallowed her or did some evil witches touched her with their wand and she vanished.

All these have I asked myself with no tangible answers, and nothing made sense to me again but the only thing that made sense to me is that my little sister I left behind I gone.

I regretted why I left her behind all by herself. I blamed myself for her misfortune. I beat myself severally and said to myself.
"I should have allowed her to go with me" and it seems like the whole world is dead before my eyes without my sweet little Olive.

I thought of leaving the site at one but my conscience wouldn't let me.
How can I come here with my little sister and she disappeared and am contemplating leaving.

"No way" I said to myself.

"What ever it is that took her away must meet me here" I concluded.

THE LITTLE DEMON YOU MADEWhere stories live. Discover now