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I've long woke up even before the first cock crow. Sleeping was almost impossible.

I slept in bits, with one eye open. My spirit was not at peace because I was keeping vigilant to know when an intruder invades our territory.

I knew I had nothing to defend myself with, so; I have to be at alart, at least to escape with Olive before they captures us.

Not after what happened yesterday, when those killers brought in High chief Bath and his son into my father's plantation. Me and my sister laid infront of the hut. I spread the old wrapper that our father kept in the farm on the ground and we laid on it while I covered my sister with the jacket he always left in the farm.

And that was how we passed the night, we slept in the middle of the forest in my father's plantation. As the  day was about to break I begin to hear the chirping of the bird of different kinds. The atmosphere became heavier with moistures and cool at the same time.

I fixed my eyes on the dull beautiful sky as I waited for it to turn brighter and blueish, then I took a look at Olive and  she was still sleeping and I smiled and said in my mind at least I can protect my sister like our father protected us when he was alive.

I began to remember series of the beautiful moments we had with dad till the day he was shot. Tears dropped endlessly from my eyes. I wondered if he was buried at all, we left him in the pull of his blood right inside our house and ran away to stay alive.

And we are still running, I thought of where we are going from here and I had no idea. But all I know is that we must keep moving on.

Not long enough, the sun broke out on the sky, giving us light. I woke Olive. As she opened her eyes, she saw my smiling face with my eyes dimmed with fatigue and sleeplessness.

"It's already morning" she muttered.
"Yea, and we have to leave right away" I told her. Before I went into the hut to check for important things we could find to take along with us.

But nothing valuable again and our plantain has not ripped, I took the old wrapper and fold our father's jacket with mug inside the wrapper and tied it inside and hang the wrapper on my neck and carried the he brif gallon of water and we both left the plantation from the back.

We wandered in the thick forest with no destination, I kept my face upright matching forward with my sister. The only thing we fear now is dangerous animals and reptiles. 

We treaded with caution, not to match on anything that might harm us, I made sure that we stick to that. I warned Olive to match on were I  matched. And we rolled like that. Covered a long distance in the thick Forest. Hoping to burst into a peaceful community.

But our front was covered with unending threads of grasses and wild trees and that was not giving us hope at all, my stomach ached, hunger seriously bite my intestines. And I wondered how it would be for Olive. And since I have not seen food on sight and she is not complaining and I pretended not to be hungry and we kept moving none-stop for hours.

We walked till the sun became harsh on our skin and I was certain that it was afternoon already. Then we went and took shade under a big tree. We both sat on the exo-root of the tree that shoots out from the ground. Thinking on our next move.

My eyes and that of my sister Olive was sunken from hunger and stress. I yanked out the wrapper on my neck unfolds it and brought out the mug rinsed it and poured out a half ration and offered it to Olive she drank up, and I took my own ration of water.

"You must be very hungry" I said to her.
"Am starving" she replied faintly. Don't worry I will find us something to eat.
"Wait for me" I told her before I dashed out to look for something for us to eat. I as I left I was so exhausted and finding it very difficult to move my feet, but I motivated myself to be strong. So I combed around the forest looking for some wild fruits. And I saw wild berries, I climbed and plucked enough, pulled my shirt and stuffed them in their, tied it up and carried it to where my little sister was.

And we feast on the wild fruits to our fill. I spread my dad's old wrapper on the ground and we laid down to sleep, then a mighty cobra slittered into our domain, encroaching us, and as I opened my eyes, I saw it drawing close to us, I spranged up immediately. As the snake saw me, it turned and ran into the grass and disappeared and my sister having seen my reaction, woke up too. And inquired what it was. I told her it was a snake.

We both picked our things and left immediately. Going more deeper into the forest with no destination.

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