Long Walk

52 13 4

"Olive, you need to hasten up, if this people catches up with us, this will be the end of us"

I gingered my Little sister as we tried to escape from the heavily armed guerilla fighters who has been killing our peaceful and unarmed people.

As we moved, Olive began to gas out, loosing energy in the process as she struggled in the chase up to keep us safe from those ruthless killers.

Her little legs began to ache, her heart beat rate tripled, as her lungs burned out of control. Her entire organs signalled to her brain to stop or risk the collapse of her body.

Ordinarily; I wouldn't have  made such a long distant run, not to talk of Olive my younger sister. But desperate condition calls for desperate measure.

What prof again do we need to know that there is a green snake in the green grass, when we saw our lovely father gunned down infront of us. The event of our father's death made our hearts as tough as steel.

Survival becomes the only thing at the back of our mind. But as nature will have it, Olive could not do more than her strength can carry. As she becomes totally exhausted, she stops, bent over, holding both of her knees breathing heavily.

When I could not hear her foot steps behind me again. I decides to look back and saw her panting as she bent over her knees. And I ended my race and rushed towards her, held her arms and help her to stand erect. When she was standing upright; I shoved my right arm under her armpit giving her a supporting hand and we both walked slowly on the old bush path.

I was very familiar with the path, that was the route me and my dad used to go to his plantain farm. My great grand fathers where the original owners of the farm and they handed it to the next generation till it got to my father.

The plantain plantation was my dad's hope of us acquiring a higher education. He vowed to the sun and the moon that me and my sister must be graduates since he did not further his education. He has been saving the proceeds from the plantation hoping that when we might have come of age to enter higher institution he will then use the proceeds to sponsor our education.

And since we do not know any other place to go to, I navigated myself and my little sister to the plantation. And we did not move straight to the plantation since the guerilla fighters has taken over our land, mounting road block on most of our popular roads.

So we chose old bush path, yet that does not solve the problem. We saw some of them coming towards our direction and that made us to pick race.

Now that my sister has made us stop, I looked back and they were not after us. Probably; they did not even see us. Maybe it was only we that saw them and they never saw us.

I looked up ahead of us and saw a mango tree few yards away from us, and I managed to support my sister until we got to the tree. I sat her down on a trunk of a wood that has been hewn down and I sat beside her.

I took a look at Olive sitting on the trunk, she was looking so innocent and frail. I remembered how our dad never allowed us to lack anything even though he was poor. The kind of protection and love he showers us with was out of this world.

And I said to myself, "I must see us alive through this" I smiled at her and she smiled back at me. The radiance of the smile on her face gave me a maximum satisfaction. And I thought in my mind, at least she can smile.

Right from that moment I assumed myself as her father. I promised myself that I will love, care and protect her like our father always did.

"Are you hungry?" I asked. she looked at me and nodded. I looked up to the tree and saw some ripped mango fruits, I climbed the tree, as I plucked the fruit, I threw it to her, she collects them and keeps on the floor.

When I plucked enough that will do for us. I climbed down from the tree. And we both descended on the fruit till we had it to our satisfaction.

Our father's plantation was not too far away from the mango tree, but as it stands, we have over fed our tummy with mango and needed to chill for a while. I lay down on the ground and my sister laid beside me and we both slept off.

We were so tired and worn out so we slept like there was no tommorow. I could not count how many hours we have slept under the mango tree.
I woke up and found my sister still in a deep sleep. And the night was fast approaching. And there was no place for us to lay our head.

But my instinct had earlier told me to run to our father's plantation, there was a small hut there that my father made with rafters and bamboo. And in that hut me and my father usually take shades if we go to the plantation and the sun rays becomes high.

No time for long thought, I said to myself. No other option but the small hut in my father's plantation. And the night was fast approaching. I looked at Olive and my heart ached.

"She didn't deserve this kind of suffering" I said to myself, tears circled in my eyelids. Then I remembered the words of my father each time he wants to motivate my spirit.

"A man must be a man, tough and unbreakable, and by that the society knows whom the real men are"

This very words of my father echoed in my head, my soft heart tightened up and I healed my broken spirit by myself. I dabbed my tears with the back of my wrist. And tapped softly on my little sister's shoulder. She grunted and I tapped her again before she opened her eyes.

I smiled at her and she gave me the most innocent smile of my life. I glued my eyes to her face with a long smile as she sits up from the ground.

"We have to go now, the night is coming" I whispered to her ears.
"To our house?" She asked me still feeling drowsy.
"No, not our house, the enemies have taken over our community, we are going to Dad's plantation" I clearified her.

"Okay" she said. I stood up and gave her my hand she holds tight on it and I helped lifted her up. And we both walked out from the mango tree.

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