Chapter 7

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61. Get a three headed dog and scare the shizz out of everyone.

62. Keep poking the person closest to you.

63. Tell everyone a scary story and force them to listen.

64, start juggling with random people's fancy smartphone and almost drop them.

65. Take a random person who is texting away, and give them a lecture about how communication through electronic devices is stupid. And then start texting someone infront of them.

66. Tell a random person that you love them.

67. Start crying, and when someone asks what happened ask why Dobby had to die.

68. Wink at someone who is way older than you to creep them out.

69. Start whistling the tune out a random tv show.

70. Slap yourself.

Woohoo 7 chapters done!

Hope you liked it.

Have any more awkward situations you can think of?

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