Start from the beginning

Yumi Ishiyama Kadic Academy Eleventh grade student

"Just ignore her," I told Tovah as we walked towards the athletics field, "She just thrives off of the chaos. Trust me, I mean as if you didn't already know, but last week she made a fertal pig we were dissecting dance, well until she got sent to the office." I explained.
"She's just trying to get under my skin, now Odd is being weird with me too like I was taking my disability accommodation forms to the office and he was interrogating me about it."
"Do you think Sadie is saying stuff to him?"
"No, I know she is, she hates Jeremy, yes, but she hates me way more. She has always hated it if I had something over her like we went to the same primary school and she would try and get me in trouble by spray painting my name on the wall, all because I had more friends. It seemed a little flattering she thought about me so much that she would spray paint my name on a wall, but also a little psychotic." Tovah shrugged, "I mean, I always get over it and manage to ignore her, I just have to remember, she's family." She sighed.
"Well, I'll see you after G.I. Jim puts us through our pace."
"Oh yeah, I have to go hold a clipboard!" she laughed, she sat at the end of each contest measuring the result.
We ran the meter, then did the high jump, then was time for the shot-put, I was waiting my turn, Sadie was in front of me, and Sissi stood behind her, they hated each other, they had been temporary roommates and nearly clawed each other's eyes out, mostly because Sissi is extremely neat, and well, Sadie is not. To be fair, Sissi gave Sadie a fair chance, hoping to make a new friend, but Sadie was already determined to make things suck.
"Hurry up, I have fair skin and I'm going to fry out here!" Sissi shouted, getting impatient.
"I just need one more second; I want to make this perfect," Sadie said, leaning back.
"Sadie! We don't have all day," Jim said. "Just take your best shot."
"Intend to," Sadie mumbled, launching the shot-put, she hit Tovah in the head, and she fell to the ground, I grabbed Sadie by the shoulders, furiously.
"That was intentional!" I told her.
"Sadie, I am calling my dad!" Sissi yelled.
"You guys are just jealous that was the furthest throw!" She placed her hands on her hip.
"You're crazy," I said, looking her in the eye.

Aelita Stones Kadic Academy Tenth-Grade Student

Yumi and I sat with a furious Tovah in the infirmary, she was holding an ice pack to her forehead while Nurse Yolanda checked her for a concussion.
"You're lucky, it's just a mild concussion." She told her, before leaving to attend to another patient.
"Lucky?! That was an assassination attempt!" She exclaimed.
"What would have made Sadie do that?" I asked. "She's been here for a while and never acted like this,"
"She's been hanging out with Odd; does it have anything to do with that?" Yumi asked.
"Why would it?" Tovah asked.
"Maybe she likes Odd and knows that you two sort of like each other," I explained.
Tovah's eyes widened at the accusation, "I'm shocked you would even say that, I think it's simply because she is insane." Tovah sighed, "And, as much as I hate to admit, she's never picked on me this badly when Jeremy is around, usually it's just mean comments, but with our buffer gone it's gone to straight-up violence." Tovah said.
"Why do you two hate each other so much?" I asked.
"Well, I mean she's just a naturally jealous and evil person, but beyond that, she's always blamed me for the time my dad called the cops on her, it was her first arrest. But, I mean, not my fault, maybe don't steal a dying woman's medication? It seems like common sense, but she always got mad when anyone brought it up, saying it was all because of me." She rolled her eyes.
"She did that?" Yumi asked.
"She's done a lot." Tovah sighed.
"Why don't you talk to the principal?" I asked.
"My father told me the principal wasn't even told about her most major infractions," Tovah said.
"So what do you want to do?" I asked.
"Nothing, I mean, if I retaliate in any way, she's just going to make my life worse. I think I'm just going to keep my head down and not try and make her mad."

-Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy Tenth-grade student-

I had been absent from gym class, I had a meeting with the career counselor. It had been so boring, for once I had wanted to be in gym class.
I walked into the cafeteria for dinner, Aelita and Tovah weren't there yet, it was just Sissi (for some reason), Yumi, and Ulrich.
"Where are Aelita and T?" I asked, sitting down.
"In the infirmary," Yumi said as she scraped the bottom of her yogurt cup with her spoon.
"What for?" I asked.
"Your best friend Sadie gave her a concussion when she was throwing the shot-put," Sissi said.
"What? I'm sure it was on accident." I said. "I'll go ask her," I got up, walking over to Sadie. "Hey, what happened in gym class?"
"Oh, that? Just that everyone overreacted."
I wasn't sure what to say, so I walked away. I had to think about what had happened.
"So?" Yumi asked. "What did she say?"
"That it was an accident."

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