Let Me Sleep Beside You

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Affection was something long sought after and rarely found by the spirits. There had been stories, ones from childhood, that hadn't left Aramis in the greatest mindset to achieve it. None of the stars had returned with a love for anything. Their time was spent completely enamoured by work, whereas he had to spend millions upon millions of years waiting.

     And then he met the Pevensie's. He wasn't supposed to have favourites, or particular moments which made him happy, but they did exactly that. They made him glad to be in Narnia, and to exist in the same time as them was an honour.

     All of the first day, Aramis had spent reacquainting himself with the Kings and Queens of old. Much had changed for them, and very little for him, despite the circumstances. Without wanting to repeat himself too much, it was safe to say he had missed them, and enjoyed being able to stand in their presence. His duty was able to be carried out once again, which was all anyone like him could hope for.

     However, he did find himself getting increasing worried. He was sure that wasn't the correct word, but the thing closest to it that he could express. The sinking feeling in his gut mixed with the tightening of his ever-dry throat. He was supposed to remain impartial, but he couldn't. Aramis knew he was violating every rule by letting his emotions flare up like a tropical disease.

     He knew it... but he couldn't help but be nervous to talk to Edmund.

     Of course, they had spoken briefly, but briefly as all it was. There was much to be done, and if there was anything that needed to be said, it couldn't happen compactly, or neatly, for that matter. It would come out like a flood, flushed out due to the sheer amount of pressure.

They had been the best of friends, and Edmund hadn't wanted that to change, not one bit. Though, he did not have a kingdom at his disposal anymore, which might have made it easier.

On the night that they had been reunited, Aramis decided that he wanted to lie beneath the stars, and look for his siblings. They were up there, watching him, and sleeping. It was almost therapeutic, knowing that they would be content, no matter the outcome of his mission. Although, he did not know when it would be possible for him to see them again.

     He was by himself for quite some time, staring at the dim light the stars gave off in the darkness. The torches had been dampened overnight so that any passing Telmarine soldiers on patrol would think nothing of it. Everything was much more simple to mask during the day; the very light which kept them alive didn't interfere with anything then.

     Although, when the young King wandered outside, it came as a pleasant surprise. He did not know whether it was supposed to be for the spirit, or for the King himself, but it did not matter to Aramis. Edmund was there.

     The spirit had been lying flat out on his back, a little way away from the tomb, so not to be found unless looked for specifically. The King seemed to know this, and turned the corner immediately, seeing him there, all alone. It was a frightfully sad sight, and one Edmund would change at every opportunity.

In silence, he sat beside Aramis, his arms wrapped around his legs, keeping them close to his chest. And for a small while, neither of them spoke. They were comfortable in each others company, and they always had been. They shared something, even if they didn't know what it was was, specifically. There wasn't a need for speech, not all of the time, just the silence that spoke a million words.

"Are you okay?" Edmund asked, after some time. "Just... I suppose you haven't really spoke to me yet."

It didn't exactly make Aramis feel good to hear the King say something so... saddening. He had never wanted to make him unwanted in any way. "I am well." He said. "Though, I never meant to ignore you."

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