Hang on to Yourself

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     There was a plan, one that Aramis could feel deep within his bones. And though he could not tell them exactly what it was, he could keep them from the very thought of their brothers disappearance.

     Of course, there were going to be questions about who he was exactly. It wasn't every day that a talking lion's main confidant was such a beautiful being. He seemed human, but he wasn't, and it was so very confusing for them all.

     There was a grassy knoll, not too far from the hill were Peter had been introduced to Cair Paravel. This was where Aramis had taken the three Pevensie's.

     They sat on the grass, it being dry enough to do so without fear of ruining their clothes. That was nice. It had been so long since Aramis had been able to feel the breeze in such an amazing way.

     And though the Pevensie's were tentative to spend time with a stranger such as him. The Beavers trusted him, however, and so they did too. They were in a sort of circle, Aramis cross legged, and the others just staring at him, like some foreign figure.

     Susan was looking at him up and down, like some sort of hot meal. He didn't appreciate it.

  "I'm sorry to be rude... " she eventually spoke, being the first to take the silence into her own hands. "What exactly are you?"

  "You shouldn't ask that, Susan." Lucy scolded, softly. "It's not very kind."

  "Don't worry, Lucy." Aramis kept his cool, and smiled softly towards them, especially the guilt looking ones. "It is natural to be curious."

  "Then, if you don't mind us asking..." Peter drawled.

  The smile did not fade from his smooth face. He transcended any concept of beauty they had ever had before. "I am the last star."

  "What does that mean?" Susan interrogated, though she didn't need to seem so harsh with her questions. It was Aslan's request that he keep them busy, so that was exactly what he would do.

  "I am the last star that can ever walk on solid ground."

  "Are you lonely, sir?" The youngest Pevensie gazed with large, doe eyes. The sort that were impossible to refuse.

  "Please, call me Aramis." He insisted. "Everyone calls me Aramis. I want you to be no different."

  "But are you lonely?" She insisted.

  Aramis chuckled, blinking slowly and contently. "How could I ever be lonely in a place such as this? It's beauty is much too grand to ever feel truly alone."

  "How do you know who we are?" Peter wanted to know the answer. It was another completely understandable thing.

  "The prophecy was made long before Narnia stood the way it does now." Aramis spoke softly. "And though you may never truly understand how magic has been rooted through the very core of our home, you must know that it lead us to you. Narnia has been restored to its prior beauty because of you."

  "That's impossible." Susan scoffed dismissively.

  It didn't offend the star, however. He only replied, cooly. "Perhaps in your world, but not here."

     Aramis found a comfort in the Pevensie's that he hadn't expected. This was duty, not fun by any means, but there was a likeness to them that was very different to the way he was used to dealing with people. Most of the time, they were calm, knowing everything to come before the conversation. But the Pevensie's were so fresh into the world that they had no idea how to act.

     It was sort of hilarious and horrifying all at once.

     Their meal had been simple, just as it was for everyone else. And a tent had been saved for them, as Aramis had known they were going to be there. It was large, a compartment separating the brothers from the sisters.

      It was that night that the Narnian's went to Jadis' camp. There were many things that Aramis had been hoping for. But only one of them really mattered.

     The rustling outside of his tent had caught his attention. If he had been sleeping, then he would have woken. There was so much tension in the air that Aramis could barely lie down without his mind falling into the dark crevasses of thought he so often tried to avoid.

     He wrapped his large robes around his body so that his exposed chest didn't offend any of the creatures. They all had very different cultures and the last thing Aramis wanted to do was offend any of them.

      Oreius had the Son of Adam in his arms, and Aramis bustled them inside. Edmund was lain on the bed, a grimace upon his face. The stars were company only he could enjoy.

     It was silent, at first. Aramis wiped the crusted blood from wounds that grazed his skin. Edmund winced when the bruises were touched.

  "I apologise, young King." Aramis bowed his head as it was customary to do. "I did not mean to hurt you."

  "Just Edmund." He mumbled, shuffling backwards on the bed.

  "Then I apologise, Edmund." The elder of the two smiled softly, hoping to comfort in some way or another. "I believe a rest would do you some good."

  "I don't want to sleep."

     Edmund seemed frightened at the idea of sleep. Despite his pressing interest, Aramis did not pry. Instead, he offered a blanket.

     "You do not have to sleep." He spoke, contently. "But you still must rest. There are long days ahead, and Aslan will want to see you in the morning."

     Aramis never wished to make anyone feel like they had to do anything. But making sure that Edmund wasn't too exhausted seemed to be the best thing that could happen that night. Thankfully, he had been returned to them, and the four Kings and Queens were together again.

     The future was fast approaching.

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I do not own these characters. I do not own the Narnia series. I do not own the actors, or the characters. The only thing I own is my adaptation of the story, and my original character.

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