Dancing with the Big Boys

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Before the Pevensie's first arrived in Narnia, Aramis could not say that he definitively had friends. He had siblings, who had long left him to return home, and a complete trust in Aslan which had never yet failed him. However, none of this could be classed as a friendship which was difficult to admit.

     The Pevensie's had become a family to him as well, which was rather cathartic, especially as they had been the ones his duty was bound to. There wasn't much more he could have ever asked for... but friends might have been a nice touch. He lived far too long to keep those sort of relationships going, as he often outlived the others. Despite all his longing, there was one person that Aramis would never befriend, and that was Eustace.

     Eustace Clarence Scrubb, as so plainly stated by Edmund, was a pain. He always found a way to change even the brightest of situations into a pessimistic slump. Everything that left his mouth was depressing or rude, and it was those kinds of people that the spirit could not stand.

     He was rather bitter about being stuck on the boat, which was acceptable in some ways, as he had never been to Narnia, and he hadn't wanted to leave his home. It was the way he went about it that frustrated Aramis. He had no care for anyone else around him, and disregarded all of the help they were offering him.

     After a few days, he gave up on trying to be kind. There wasn't enough time in the world to spend on people who would rather be elsewhere. Aramis could still be close to the others anyway, they would be glad of his company.

     Lucy was one that he preferred to be around, especially as she was one of the kindest soul he'd the pleasure of be in the company of. Although, she had been busy in recent days as she spent almost all of her time tailoring the standard navy attire to fit her better. She was much smaller than the others, and at fourteen, held a much different figure to the men. She was a fine seamstress, so Aramis didn't bother her. It would be interesting to see how well it fit her when it was finished.

     And, of course, there was Edmund. He was less family than the rest, and resided as more of a lover, though Aramis would never divulge the secrets of their relationship. Whatever happened between the two of them would stay private for as long as they desired. They were precious moments. The sort of thing that he would refer back to when times were hard, just to make himself smile.

     After leaving the Lone Isles, Edmund had acquired an old Narnian sword which most of his time had been devoted to. He chipped away at the harsh crust as if his life depended on it. And when another section of the metal beneath became visible, he would show Aramis with a great grin because he was so proud of himself. Of course, he was proud too.

     It was good for him to have something to occupy his mind whilst they were blocked off from society. There wasn't much else that they could focus on.

     On one of their more sunnier sailing days, Aramis decided that it would be a fine idea to mend some of his robes that had been damaged for various reasons. He sat beside Edmund on deck as he tended to his sword. It was more than just relaxing, as they were able to spend their time the way that they wanted to, in each others company.

     There had never been moments like this before. They had never shared a day where they could relax without threat. This was a first for them.

     "Do you like sewing?" Edmund asked, his eyes flickering over to the needlework.

  "I don't dislike it, my King." He replied, softly, and honestly. "Why do you ask?"

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