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There must have been some sort of significance about the morning which came naturally to the human race. It felt like a fresh start; that they would be able to cleanse the sins of the past and come into a new light with no lingering fear. That was, perhaps, when they decided it would be best for them to set of in the morning.

The crew seemed more nervous than ever before, which must have accounted for something. They had seen the very pits of what their world had to offer them, and yet, this was the worst. Eustace, however, did offer them another view as he flew above the ship. He could see what they couldn't. He knew things they couldn't dare to imagine. But that didn't change their mood at all. They were bleak and grey, and that was exactly how they were going to stay.

     "So..." Tavros began as they sailed towards the mouth of the Island. "What do you think is in there?"

  "Our worst nightmares." Edmund gulped, taking a deep breath to calm himself.

  Caspian sighed with gritted teeth. "Our darkest wishes."

  "The very things we know we cannot escape." Aramis added, his voice small, like a mouse. It was not ideal to have these thoughts, not now especially.

  "Pure evil." Drinian confirmed, before returning to his duties as captain. "Tavros, unlock the armoury."

  "My lord." He responded as he got to work.

  "Archers prepare yourselves!"

  "Aye, Captain!"

  "Light the lanterns." Tavros commanded, loudly.

  "Let's get ready." Caspian hummed, gesturing to Edmund that it was time for them to put their armour on.

     Aramis knew that this was when he was supposed to say goodbye, because he too had things to do. He'd been put in charge of Gael as he couldn't fight like everyone else could. They would have to stay below deck, in the spirits room. That was the safest place for the pacifists.

     He passed through the crowds to reach the King, and paused like he was nothing other than an advisor. Edmund beckoned him closer, and he complied, until they were but a foot apart. His skin was tired. There were deep bags beneath his eyes. It wasn't his fault. Everyone had been stressed recently, and he was just another victim of it.

     "Good luck, my King." Aramis smiled, painfully.

  "Thanks." Edmund took his hand, and held it, tightly. Just the touch of the spirits skin made him feel at ease. "Be safe."

  "I will." He nodded, softly.

  He raised an eyebrow. "Do you promise?"

  "I promise."

     Edmund pulled him closer again, until their chests were pressed up against one another. It was a position they had found themselves in many times before, and it shouldn't have been remarkable, yet, it still evoked feelings which should have been a second nature to him. There was something about the King which made Aramis giddy.

     They were a true pair, and nothing felt as good as when they kissed. It was only short, but it was enough. It was romantic, and happy, and the perfect note to leave things on. Otherwise, what did they have but the darkness to focus on.

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