It Ain't Easy

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The smell of salt hit them first, before they had a moment to even work out what had happened. It was fresh, and cold, but oh so very welcome. Although, it wasn't what they were expecting to see upon their great return.

They were situated within a cave, dark and dingy, with a large opening directly in front of them. Both the sea and the sky were blue, and the clouds looked like candy floss. It was all so pure, and so different to London. Thank God, it was different to London.

All they had seen for years was billowing smoke, and the sound of airplane, men running off to war, and running back with tails between their legs. This was a place of the exact opposite. There was no fighting, nor any pain, in fact, there was no other living thing in sight. Only the Pevensie's.

Slowly, and with much caution, they stepped onto the beach, wanting to admire what surrounded them. They were convinced that there was nothing more serene or beautiful in either of their worlds. This... was a treat in all senses.

Despite having walked some way, the siblings were still all in the line they had been at the train station, moments before. Lucy soon broke that, and turned to Susan. At first, there was no change to her behaviour. Soon, she was grinning from ear to ear, mischievously. Her older sister mirrored it, and within seconds, they laughed, running to the water. Their brothers wasted no time in following, neither wanting to be left out.

They rushed to remove their overclothes (things such as hats, bags jumpers, cardigans and blazers). Wet clothes were uncomfortable enough without them being piled on.

"Shame you're not as quick as me, Ed!" Peter called, tauntingly, as he raced across the sand. Whether or not his brother was faster or not was irrelevant when his ego was involved.

"Last one in's a rotten egg!" Lucy teased them, knowing they all had a competitive spirit.

"Watch out!" The eldest Pevensie grinned widely. "Here it comes!"

There had never been so much laughter between the three of them in quite so long. It made Edmund smile. He was exhilarated. Everything inside of him had been ignited like a fire, and he felt free. They pushed the waves onto one another, like a game of sorts. It was just delight.

"Wait a minute!"

"Come on, Susan. Hurry up!"

"Come on, it's lovely!"


Susan called out for her younger brother, inviting him to join in their fun more than before. He had started to look a little bit out of it, a little distracted from everything else. Something had caught his attention.


His mind still did not deter from what he had seen, though his head did turn slightly. His attention had to be partially shared. The cliff top had peaked his interest, though, it looked perfectly natural in almost every way.


     When Susan didn't manage to capture his attention fully, Peter noticed that something was wrong. There was a look of discomfort covering his younger brothers face.

  "What is it?" The blonde questioned, rather sternly. The quicker he found out, the better.

  Slightly anxious, Edmund shook his head. "Where do you suppose we are?"

  Peter just laughed. "Where do you think?"

  "Well," He was a little embarrassed by his theory, although, something to him, wasn't right. "I don't remember any ruins in Narnia."

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