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Dream POV:

I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going. After that whole fight with George I just wandered and explored this place on my own. I took the elevator because I was truly sick of that floor. And even though I would never admit this George, it would be nice to find Karl. 

Currently I'm on floor 2, wandering aimlessly around the place. For the most part this mall-casino is very open, but there are some nooks and crannies here and there. I avoid going in slim hallways. You never know when and where a guard can pop out. I mean look at poor Sapnap!

I walk around the edges of the floor, looking at the several floors above me. All of them have a glass fencing around them. There's two sides of the floor and in the middle is a big gap falling to the bottom level. Some of the floors are located in a way where they're longer than the one above them.

I notice the glass pieces on the floor. I glance up again and notice part of a border is destroyed. My eyebrow cocks up. Interesting...

My intrusive thoughts tell me to break the glass and jump off, but of course I don't. Instead of letting them get the best of me my mind wanders back to Sapnap.

I hope Karl found him. It's easy to see how their eyes light up when the other is around. They have a special bond, which can be seen as love. And the truth is it is love. Even if they don't know it, the two love the other.

The topic of love brings my thoughts to George. I just confessed in the shittiest way possible. I cringe at the thought. It was definitely a bit... Harsh. I regret saying that dearly. I men I confessed how much I loved George but didn't show it. Yelling definitely isn't a way of showing love!

I look back to where I once was. I imagine my footprints were visible. I could easily retrace them and go right back to George, coming back and apologizing for my salty behavior. That sounds like a good idea. I bet we could work this whole misunderstanding out!

I barley start walking when I hear another set of feet. Then the jingle of keys and the click of a flashlight. I shiver, knowing that neither George, Sapnap, or Karl have a flashlight. It must be four already.

I tell myself to move, scream at the top of my lungs in my mind, yet I don't move. My fight or flight response kicked in, and I guess my brain chose fight. But both my brain and my body know there is no fighting, so I freeze.

Suddenly I feel a running force bump into me, cup my mouth, and rush me into a nearby hallway. I try to speak but my voice is muffled by the palm against my lips.

"Shh, it's me George."

That's enough to shut me up.

Night in The Mall ~ A Karlnap and Dreamnotfound Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now