Chapter Thirteen: Dungeon

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Warning; New character.

Skye's POV;

It's been a day since Rose left. And I just want her to come back already. I really wish I could've gone with her. I don't see why she couldn't just mask my scent. "Who knew I could ever miss someone so much," I said to Angie. She was curled up in my lap. "Have you heard anything from her? Or anything about her?" I asked Beth for the thousandth time. "No, I haven't heard anything yet. But that doesn't mean something bad has happened to her, and it's only been a day," Beth replied. "I know, I just miss her. I hate the distance thing. Speaking of distance, did something happen between you and Zach?" I asked.

"I don't know. He's been acting strange and he won't tell me why. It's making me nervous, not knowing what's going on in his head," Beth sighed. "I'm sure he'll tell you eventually. Maybe he just needs some space for a bit. Don't worry too much about it, I'm sure it's nothing you did or didn't do," I reassured her. "Thanks,"

"No problem, now I'm going to go on my nightly walk before I go to bed," I said, putting Angie in her cage. I threw on my light sweater, well it's actually Rose's. I've been wearing basically since she left, it's mine now. I walked outside and dug my feet into the sand. Taking a deep breath, I gazed at the moon and stars. I pulled my sweater to my nose, taking in her sweet vanilla scent. The scent that calms my nerves every time. "She'll return to me soon," I said to myself. "That's if she can find you," a female's voice said behind me. I didn't get the chance to turn around and see who it was, because I was knocked out cold.

God damn it, here we go being kidnapped again.

A few hours later,

I woke up to a cold hard surface. I moved my head a little and opened my eyes. I couldn't see much, but I could see bars and dim light coming from the hallway. "Are you fucking kidding me," I said to myself. I went to stand up to look through the bars, only to realize that I was chained by my feet to the corner of the cell. Great. "That's if she can find you," The woman's words played back in my head. It has to be Anna, who else would bring me to a dungeon like cell. Okay, seriously, if this is some wattpad story,

Dear Author, don't get me fucking killed.

I looked to my left and saw a woman's body chained to the floor. I strained my eyes to see if she was still breathing. Then I saw a pool of blood. Whatever she was put through, she didn't survive it. I heard two pairs of footsteps getting closer to my cell. One you could clearly tell they were wearing heels. Backing myself up in the corner, I watched and waited to see who they were. A woman dressed in a light pink ball gown walked up to the bars, Anna. She waited for the guard to catch up to her to open the door. "It didn't take you long to wake up. It's only been a few hours," She said, a bit surprised. The guard opened the door and removed the dead girl's body.

My fight or flight was now kicking in, and once again, I don't have a chance but to fight. I fixed my posture and stepped out of the corner a little, to show that I wasn't scared. I mean, I definitely am, but you can't show fear in situations like these. Not that I've ever been in this situation. "I'm assuming you don't know who I am. If you did, you wouldn't be standing so tall right now," She taunted. "I know who you are Anna,"

"Oh, you know why you're here then?" She said amused. No, I don't know why I'm here. Maybe to get to Rose? That's the only thing I can think of. "Let me refresh your memory. Hundreds of dead vampires within the span of three months. Every single one of them has your scent all over them. And the last two I sent to you, the twins, were brutally murdered. Worse than the rest," Anna explained, stepping closer to me.

Flashbacks of the twins and Rose took over. And what Zach had said, "She's killed way more than two for you". And the look she gave him when he said that. Was he telling the truth? Did she kill more than just the twins in order to protect me? And Anna says that hundreds have died the past three months. Rose also told me that she was basically stalking me for three months. It's all starting to make sense now. Rose did kill hundreds of vampires, but is that just as bad as Anna killing her own kind as well?

"I see the gears turning in that pathetic brain of yours. What I would like to know is, how did a mere human do it?"

"You seriously think I killed them?"

"You look like a killer to me,"

"Yes, I have killed before, to survive. But I haven't touched your kind," I spat. "A feisty one you are," Anna said, grabbing my chin. I slapped her hand away. "How dare you touch me you bitch!" She slapped my face. I could already feel a bruise form. "You touched me first," I said, holding my face. But as quickly as the pain came, it went. Like I only felt pain for a short second. "Interesting," Anna said, looking at my face. She was just as confused as I was. "Your majesty," the guard who walked her down here called out. "What!" Anna yelled. I watched the guard flinch. "He's awake,"

"Good. Bring him down here. I'd like for him to see what I have found," She said proud of herself. "Maybe then he'll start talking," She put her hands behind her back. Who is she talking about, and what would they have to do with me? A few minutes later, the guard came back with a man who looked like he was also a guard. He gently put the man down, helping him sit up against the wall. "Don't be kind to him! Now get out," Anna snapped. The man seemed very weak, and he could barely hold his head up for more than a minute. Anna walked up to him and grabbed his hair, forcing him to look at me. "Look who I found. That girl you seem to know so much about," She taunted. He opened his eyes and they widened in shock.

His eyes went bright red. "She smells good doesn't she. Maybe if you give me the answers I want, I'll let you have a taste," She whispered the last part in his ear. How I heard the last part, I don't know. And something is telling me that I can trust him. But I still don't know what he has to do with me. And apparently he knows me? Or about me? The man looked away composing himself. "Never," He whispered to Anna. His eyes went back to normal, letting me see his natural brown eyes. "Fine! Then you'll stay here surrounded by her intoxicating scent until you give in!" Anna screamed as she stormed out the cell, slamming the door behind her. "Lock that damn door!" I heard her scream. Then the guard came and did as Anna said.

I waited until I could no longer hear footsteps. "Who are you and how do you know me?" I asked the man. "My name is Alex and I'm your mother Linda's mate,"

Author's Note; Alex is 600 years old, 6'2, brown eyes and shoulder length black hair.


Author's Note: I hope you enjoy "My Rose". This is my second story, my first is called "Skye and her Alpha". All story characters are mine, and yes I use myself as one of the main characters as it is easier for me to write that way. I update every other day, and I already have chapters just waiting to be published.

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