Chapter Seven: Anna

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Anna's POV; Friday after 

I sat down at the table, waiting for the servants to do their job. Finally they came in, placed down the food and poured my drink..blood of course. "It's about damn time," I snapped. I watched them flinch and hurry, trying to get out as soon as possible. They all stood still, waiting for me to dismiss them.


I slammed my fist on the table. Of course they jumped, I even heard some whimpers. This amuses me, seeing how afraid they are of me. "Get out of my sight," I demanded. And without waiting another second, they practically ran out of the room. Laughing to myself, I started eating some grapes. There's really no need to eat human food, but it tastes good. "Okay, what to do today," I said to the empty seats. They used to be filled. Rose used to sit at the head of the table, I was sitting on her left, and the rest of the seats were taken by trusted guards.

Now I sit at the head of the table..all alone. The guards no longer wanted to eat here after Rose left. They favor her over me. I thought that it would change once I became Queen. I thought that they'd hate Rose for leaving randomly. But it didn't, they think she'll one day return and take back the throne. Most don't agree with my ruling and what I'm doing. But what they don't realize is that I'm doing what's best for our kind. Something that my dearest sister wasn't able to do. Yes, I'm killing some of my kind, but that's because they're too weak. Only the strong ones survive in this world. And the stronger we are, the more terrifying we will look. Especially to the humans. They will soon know who lives in the mountains, and who is responsible for the increased missing person cases and mysterious murders.

"Your Majesty," A guard came in without knocking. "How dare you enter without permission!" I yelled. But he didn't flinch this time, normally he does when I raise my voice. "I'm sorry your Majesty, but the twin's bodies showed up in the cemetery," He explained. "What?!" The twin's were my strongest soldiers. I sent them after a human who smells out of this world. And now they too are dead? A lot of my soldiers have ended up dead lately, and not by my hands. I got up and stormed off to the cemetery.

Walking through the gates, I saw some more guards and others who I assume were family or friends, surrounding their bodies. "Move," I demanded. One had his heart ripped out and the other was missing his entire head. I didn't care enough to know their names, just the fact that they were strong. I bent down and caught a whiff of the human's scent that I sent them after. But it was more prominent this time. "So they did catch her at some point.." I thought to myself. I looked at the decapitated head, and saw dried blood on the corners of his mouth. "And he had a taste, but if they had the human in their did they end up like this?" My fangs started poking out from the strong scent of the human's blood. Whoever's blood this is, I will have it..I need it.

There was also another scent on them, like all the other bodies, that is also more prominent. A familiar scent, but i don't remember what or who the scent belongs to. I stood up confused and angry. How could a mere human kill hundreds of vampires like this? "Queen Rose's scent is all over them," I heard a girl whisper to a guard. "I told you, she's coming back home," he replied. I snapped my head to them. "Queen Rose?! I am your Queen! Not her! She left.." I sprinted to the girl and broke her leg. She screamed in pain as we all heard her bones break. I turned to the guard. "..and she is never coming back!" I yelled. "I beg to differ! Don't you recognize her scent all over the bodies?!" he started. His sudden bravery was a shock to me. And now that he mentions it, the familiar scent is Rose's. I just couldn't pinpoint it because she was masking her scent. Only us royals can mask our scent.

"See you don't know everything like you think you do. You only know what is told or shown to you! Everyone except you, knows what's truly going on here. We know whose blood that is, and what Queen Rose has to do with them-"

"She is not your Queen! I am Queen Anna! Whether you like it or not! Throw him in a cell, I have some questions to ask him when I come back," I demanded other guards and walked to the gates. "Can I ask where you are going, your Majesty?" A female guard asked timidly. "I'm going to bring home that fucking human," I spat.

I got back to the castle and headed to my chambers. I changed out of my dress and put on more flexible dark red clothing. Then I grabbed some purple marbles for an easy way back home. Putting my long blonde hair into a high ponytail, I grabbed my pistol from my nightstand. If for some reason I do run into any trouble, it'd be easier to just shoot and run. Now being ready, I left the castle and started tracking.

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