Chapter Five: Mates

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Skye's POV; Friday morning

I woke up to the scent I love, warm vanilla. I was still in her arms. Opening my eyes, I realized that I was gripping onto her shirt. Letting go of her shirt, I looked up at her face. She looks so calm and content. I could see a few light freckles across her nose and cheeks. How could such a creature look so gentle? Especially after what I witnessed. I should be terrified of her, but instead I'm cuddling her. There's just something about her that...I can't explain. I've only just met this woman, and I'm already trying hard to not fall madly in love with her. Maybe it's the fact that she's a vampire, that's making me want her. Like the whole Bella and Edward thing from Twilight.

Could you imagine your life being like those movies? Or like the cringy wattpad stories. If I were to be in a wattpad story, this would be my prayer to the author;

Dear Author, please don't make my life a cringy story, thanks.

That would be my prayer. But this isn't just some movie or made up story, this is actually how my life is right now. Just yesterday morning, I was at home with my mom (Linda) and Angie. Going through my morning routine. My life was normal and simple, until I met Rose. A vampire who pretended to be from the insurance company, killed my kidnappers who were also vampires, and brought me to her vampire friend's home through some magic portal. I don't think my life will be so simple anymore, and I think I'm okay with that.

As long as Rose is with me, I think I'll be fine. It's funny, in the movies and stories, vampires are made out to be such bloodthirsty creatures, with no hearts, feelings, compassion, or a gentle bone in their body. Yet, I'm laying in bed with a vampire who has shown me otherwise. I reached my hand up and caressed her face. I mean, she's asleep so she won't know about what I'm doing right now. I traced her jawline with my fingers and trailed down her neck. Her skin is cold and soft. My fingers made their way down to her collarbones. So sharp and defined, my fingers lingered there for a minute.

I felt like I had eyes on me now. So I looked back up to make sure that she was still asleep. Only to see her looking down at me with a soft smile. I immediately pulled my hand away. "Sorry, I th-thought you were asleep," I said shyly. "Don't be sorry my love. I like it when you're touchy. It feels nice when someone caresses you ever so gently," She started doing the same thing I did to her. Caressing my face, trailing her fingers down my neck and to my collarbones. "Doesn't it," she whispered, bringing her lips close to mine.

Our lips were barely touching. I wanted to feel those soft lips against mine so badly. I took my hand and placed it on the back of her neck. I noticed Rose's breathing getting more harsh. I pulled her closer, almost being able to kiss her. But before anything could happen, she pulled away and sat up. I slowly sat up as well. "Sorry," I whispered looking down at my hands. "No no no. Don't apologize, trust me I really want to kiss you. But if I do, I won't be able to stop myself," she said. I looked at her and saw her fangs poking out. "Stop yourself from what?" I questioned.

She knows that I saw her fangs. "From marking you, that's why my fangs are out. But not marking you as in biting that guy did. It's a..a different type of marking," She tried to explain. But I could tell that she wasn't telling me everything. And I wasn't about to pry it out of her. She'll tell me when she's ready, or maybe I could bring this up to Zach and he'll tell me. He's gonna teach me about the mate thing anyway, so why not. "Okay, I can tell that there's more to it. But I'm not going to force it out of you," I reassured her. She relaxed a little at what I said. "Thank you, I promise I'll tell you everything in due time. I don't want to keep anything from you. Let's go see if the other two are up," She said, getting out of bed.

Beth and Zach were already up and in the kitchen. Beth was hugging Zach from behind as he was cooking scrambled eggs. It was really cute to see, but it also made me a little jealous. I want that with someone. I want to experience all of the couple things. Things like, slow dancing in the kitchen and such. Maybe I can have those moments...with Rose? "Good morning," Rose said, catching their attention. "Morning friends," Beth smiled. "Zach is just making you two some breakfast sandwiches for your little trip this morning," Beth looked at me.

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