Chapter Three: Taken

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Skye's POV: Thursday night

"Angie, I'm headed to the store. I need to do something to forget about that woman Rose," I said, putting on the same clothes I wore this morning. I still don't know why Angie didn't bite her. But again, I don't blame Angie. There's something about Rose that...kinda lures you in. Her eyes, figure, the way she speaks, even her scent. She smells like warm vanilla, the same scent I smell every night. And normally I don't let people touch me, but I kinda..wanted her to touch me. Her touch is very soft and gentle. Why do I feel this way for a complete stranger, a stranger that I'll never see again?

Her words played in my head, "Don't worry princess, you'll be seeing more of me." What did she mean by that? And why did she call me 'princess' and 'm'lady'? I mean I didn't mind it, I think I actually enjoyed it. But it's almost as if she wasn't born in this time, or maybe she's just an old soul. I got into my car and turned the music up high. On the way to the store, I had completely forgotten about Rose...for the most part. But I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched..almost hunted.

20 minute drive later;

I finally made it to the store and it was now night time. The moon was out and looking pretty as always. I rolled my windows up and turned my car off. My gut was telling me to stay in my car, but maybe it's just my anxiety. I have always had this fear that someone was stalking me. Ignoring my gut feeling, I got out of my car and locked it. As soon as I turned around, a bag covered my eyes and a strong hand covered my mouth. It felt like I was traveling at the speed of light, and everything was happening too quickly for me to react. I knew I should've listened to my gut.

Rose's POV:

I watched Skye park her car and get out of it. I'm sitting on the roof of the store, so I had a birds eye view of her. I looked up at the calming moon, daydreaming about her. Her eyes looking up at me, her voice, those soft lips, and her scent always gets me. Speaking of her scent, I can't smell it anymore. I quickly scanned the parking lot and didn't see any sign of her. I sprinted to her car hoping that she was just in the store now.

I got to her car and noticed her purse on the ground. She wouldn't leave her purse on the ground if she was in the store. Something bad happened. My eyes went dark red, ready to kill. I picked up her purse and picked up someone else's scent. It was another vampire's. This made my fangs jump out. So far I've been able to keep other vampire's away from her. Killing each one that tried to get to her. But that one moment I take my eyes off her, and a vampire takes her. But this wasn't just some random vampire, it smelled like a guard of the castle.

My eyes widened. The fact that a royal guard had taken Skye could only mean one thing. "Anna," I growled. I heard from Beth that when my sister Anna had taken over the throne, she started abusing her power. The once bright and beautiful land was now dark, cold and gloomy. Anna must have picked up Skye's scent on all the vampire's dead bodies. When a vampire dies, their body teleports to the sacred graveyard, waiting to be buried by friends and family. And I've killed a lot of them, protecting my mate.

Not wasting another second, I started tracking the vampire's scent. Hoping I'd save Skye in time, before they teleport home.

About 10 minutes later, I tracked them down to an abandoned high school. I slowly made my way inside, ready to rip this guy's head off.

Skye's POV:

"Ouch!" I was roughly thrown onto a cold chair. "Got her brother," the man said, taking the bag off my head. I saw two tall skinny men dressed in all red. They have short dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. I think they're twins. I looked at my surroundings and noticed that we're in the abandoned high school. There's only one in my area, and everyone knows about it. "Wh-what do you want with m-me?!" I forced myself to ask.

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