Chapter Eighteen: Acceptance

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Skye's POV;

"What if they don't actually like me?" I asked worriedly. Rose and I are standing in the living room of the cabin. And everyone is waiting for us in the basement. "We already know how they feel about you. They'll probably just be a little surprised when they learn that you are now one of us," Rose tries to reassure me. "I don't think I want them to know how I've turned. Or who my parents are, not yet,"

"They don't need to know those things yet. They will only know what we tell them. And just in case, we don't need that information getting to Anna," Rose said, rubbing my shoulders. "It'll all be okay, I promise," Rose said, guiding me down the stairs. My eyes went red. I don't know if it was from fear, or preparing to protect myself. Rose opened the door and it all went silent. Everyone turned to see us and bowed. They looked back up and looked right at me. They had slightly confused looks on their faces. Rose looked back at me and smiled.

She snaked her arm around my waist and pulled me close. "No need to be defensive," She whispered in my ear. Her words and touch calmed me, and my eyes went back to normal. Rose sits in her throne while Alex placed a smaller chair next to her. I was a little unsure of what to do, so I just stood there looking at Rose. She pulled the small chair closer to her and tapped it, signaling for me to sit. As I sat down, Rose grabbed my hand. She started rubbing small circles as she started speaking. "This is my mate Skye," She said proudly. Everyone seemed to have warm smiles on their faces. "As you may have noticed, Skye is now one of us,"

She definitely has the voice of a queen, it's kind of hot. "I bet we know how that happened," A young man joked. He looked to be my age, even though he's most likely not. But still in that slightly immature phase. I knew what he meant by that comment. My eyes went red once again as I gave him the death stare. "That is not your concern," Rose said sternly. The man quickly stopped laughing. Rose nodded to Alex who was standing beside me. "You shall bow to your new future princess." Alex said, bowing to me. Without hesitation, everyone bowed. Are they really this accepting of me? They don't even know me.

Rose squeezed my hand, grabbing my attention. "You have to stand up," She whispered. She let go of my hand and smiled at me. I looked back at everyone else and stood up. Am I really going to be a princess? Am I even good enough to be a princess? So many questions swirled in my head as I stood. Then I picked up on something that calmed me. I could feel Rose's eyes on me. It suddenly felt..natural for these people to bow to me. Like this was meant to be. This is strange. It's almost as if these feelings I'm having aren't just mine. Like there's an influence that is making me feel this way. Whatever it is, I'm not complaining.

"You may sit now ma'am," Alex said, tapping my shoulder. I smiled at him and sat back down. Did he just call me 'ma'am'? Well that's the first. People would say that I am too young to be called 'ma'am'. Maybe that's just a human thing. "Now that you have met my mate, your future princess, here is what is going to happen. In three days time, we will storm the castle. We will attack from all sides. The only thing you need to do is handle anyone who stands with Anna," Rose gets serious. "I will handle Anna,"

"And what will I do? I'm not just gonna do nothing," I interrupted. I slapped my hand over my mouth. It was most definitely rude to interrupt a Queen, so I felt bad. Rose just chuckled and went back to being serious again. "Your majesty, I can watch her for you. I don't mind," Alex offered. "No. Skye will be with me while I deal with my sister," Rose looks at me, "You're not leaving my sight. Not again," She whispered the last part. I don't really want to be around Anna again, but I agree with Rose. She doesn't want me out of her sight, and I don't want her out of mine.

"Alright, everyone is dismissed. Go home, that includes you Alex. go to your hideout," Rose ordered. Not wanting to defy Rose, they all went to their homes. This day was tiring. Well, not just today. Honestly I don't even know what day it is anymore, I just know that I'm fucking exhausted. I did a big stretch in my small throne. "That's cute," Rose awed. "I'm tired," I whined. "Come here," Rose patted her lap. Not wasting a second, I sat in her lap. I cuddled into her chest as she rested her hand on my thighs. This is exactly what I've needed. And I'm ready to fall asleep like this. In her lap, her hands rubbing my thighs and my back. This is a moment everyone wants.

"See, I told you they'd accept you," Rose said, kissing my head. "I know," I said, looking up at her. "You're so beautiful," Rose complimented. She tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, and kissed me softly. We sat like that for a good ten minutes. I wanted to do more than just kissing, and she could tell. I straddled her lap. "Not tonight baby," She said, breaking the kiss. "Why not?" I whined. "You are tired and you need to rest,"


"You will rest,"

"Can we do it tomorrow then? It's been too long..and I need you," I teased. She clenched her jaw and took a deep breath. "Tomorrow my love. Come on let's go to bed,"

Rose carried me upstairs and to the bedroom. I didn't even know it was there. I thought it was just the basement, the upstairs kitchen and living room. Rose and I got into bed, not leaving any space in between us. "I guess I'll just have to dream of the things we could be doing," I teased, closing my eyes. She kissed my forehead. "And you'll tell me all about them in the morning.."

Sorry for the short chapter! I promise it's worth it ;)


Author's Note: I hope you enjoy "My Rose". This is my second story, my first is called "Skye and her Alpha". All story characters are mine, and yes I use myself as one of the main characters as it is easier for me to write that way. I normally update every other day, but right now I'm in the middle of moving. But I will try my best to keep up with the schedule. I already have chapters just waiting to be published!

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