"Yep, got it." Kie says.

"JJ." Pope says, "What?" He asks. "Does your dad still have that boat? The cigarette boat, the Phantom. The one he used to race." Pope asks.

"Maybe." JJ says, his jaw clenching, "It's not gonna be easy Pope. I don't know where the keys are."

"Well, find them." Pope says as he sits in the drivers seat, you moving into the back next to JB and JJ.

"I'm thinking." JJ says, trying to recall where his dad's boat keys are.

"Why is nobody moving forward." Pope says as he tries to get out of the spot, but is blocked by cars in front. "What's going on here."

"Can you relax." Kie snaps, "JJ, how much weed did you give him?" Making JJ inaudibly respond, shrugging his shoulders.

"Guys." John B whispers, "The car's on the poster." He tells you. Pope then starts honking the horn multiple times— attracting unwanted attention.

"Pope!" Kie shouts.

"Stop— people are looking." You say tapping Popes shoulder. "Chill out Pope." JJ says. "Drive!" John B whispers as more people were starting to see John B.

"Go! Go! Go!" JJ shouts. Pope turns on the car, moving forward, straight into the car in front. The car bolts up wards making everyone get thrown about, "Jeez, Pope!" You say, steadying yourself. "Oh my god." John B gasps.

"Dude, back up!" Kie yells at him. Pope gets the car out and drives quickly down the road.

"Pope, watch out! Pope! Pope, Pope!" Kie yells as she tries to move the steering wheel, but Pope drives into some mail boxes sending them flying.

Pope laughs, "Oh my god!" He cheers

"Pope!" John B shouts. "What the fuck?" Kie shouts.

"I'm livin' my best life now." Pope says. "I should be the last one to tell you this, but you are not okay to drive, dude. Stop!" JJ says.

Pope suddenly slams on the breaks, "John B get out." He tells him. "He's right— we'll draw the cops, and you run." You say.

"Shit." John B curses. "All right. I'll get the rug, and i'll meet you in the dump tomorrow, okay?" JJ tells him, "Three o'clock, okay?"

"Yeah." He says pulling himself out of the car, running quickly, towards the woods. Pope continues to drive down the road to Kie's dismay.

JJ pulled out a joint he made earlier, sharing it with you. Kie sighed, watching the two of you smoke, "Seriously? Am i the only capable one here?" Kie asks. "Chill Kie." JJ says. You shrug at her, "Sorry Kie." You smile weakly at her as you take another hit.

"Pope, you clocked that car, man. Like, that was so bad!" JJ laughs. "I'm just glad i'm not driving now." Pope says as he's still driving. This makes you and JJ laugh.

"Pull over." Kie says sternly, making Pope haphazardly pull over next to the road. "Guys, it's not funny. He shouldn't be driving." Kie says getting out of the car.

You look at JJ, "Mama's mad." You say making him bite his lip to hold in his laughter. As Kie gets back into the car JJ holds the blunt, as you rest your head against his shoulder. "Where are we goin'?" He asks Kie, passing you the blunt. "The last place theyre gonna look." She says.

Kie drives to Tanny Hill, getting out the car, Pope following her. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" JJ asks. "She's the only one who can clear John B." Kie says— her and Pope standing next to the window of the car.

Kie looks between you and JJ, both with hazy eyes as you hold the blunt still. "Don't fucking hot-box my car, dipshits." Kie says sternly looking at you both.

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