Avengers: Age of Ultron - 2

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Ulysses Klaue's warehouse is located in a junkyard off the African coast; since most of the crew on board, including Klaue himself, are distracted by Ultron and the twin's surprise appearance, it is easy for them to sneak on board.

Clint and Natasha quietly take out the remaining mercenaries while Thor, Steve, and Nikolina move closer to the catwalk across from Ultron. Tony slowly descends over the boat's top, and Bruce stays on the quinjet until a code green is needed.

"Don't compare me with Stark," Ultron exclaims, and a loud thump sounds, followed by several more, which suspiciously sounds like a body tumbling downstairs. "It's a thing with me, Stark is. He's a sickness!"

"Aw, Junior," Tony says in a mock-reprimanding tone, "You're gonna break your old man's heart."

"If I have to," Ultron quickly replies, standing straighter. The twin's expressions change from calm to incensed at the sight of the Avengers, specifically Tony Stark. Pietro tosses the vibranium aside and moves to flank Ultron.

"Nobody has to break anything," Thor warns calmly.

"Clearly, you've never made an omelet," Ultron mocks, waving his hand casually, and Tony tosses over his shoulder, "He beat me by one second."

Nikolina rolls her eyes at the man before returning to studying the twins, her eyes narrowing on the female.

Thor gives him a confused look, but his eyes quickly flicker back to Ultron and the twins as Pietro speaks, "Ah, this is funny, Mr. Stark. It's what, comfortable?" His eyes move down to the missiles below that are lining the catwalk. "Like old times?"

"This is never my life," Tony disagrees miserably.

"But it is mine," Nikolina warns, causing every person and Ultron to cast her a wary look.

Steve steps forward, ignoring Ultron entirely, his eyes on the Maximoff twins as he says, "You two can still walk away from this."

"Oh, we will," Wanda answers with a pretend sad pout before she smiles wolfishly.

"I know you've suffered," Steve begins, sincerely hoping to reach out to them, believing that he can get them to see down a different path. They are only kids in this world, but Ultron cuts in with a loud groan.

"Captain America," He says, throwing his head back. "God's righteous man, pretending you can live without a war," Steve's jaw clenches, staring at the robot with a blank look, "I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but...,"

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it," Thor interrupts sharply.

"I think you're confusing peace with quiet," Ultron counters as he steps forward.

"Yuh-huh," Tony chimes in, nodding impatiently. "What's the Vibranium for?"

"I'm glad you asked that," Ultron answers, "because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan!"

He says, tossing his hand again. Then he suddenly activates a magnet, dragging Tony forward by his metal suit before blasting him backward. At the same time, Iron Legions appears out of nowhere, landing on the catwalk to attack Nikolina, Steve, and Thor.

Tony fires his repulsions to shoot back at Ultron, the two meeting in mid-air and beginning to fight high above everyone else. The other three have their hands full as they battle the Iron Legion and the twins, but before Natasha and Clint can help, machine guns begin firing from all around. Klaue's men have joined in and are shooting at everyone.

Nikolina rips a few of the robot's limbs from their bodies with her nails while Steve and Thor handle them with their shield and hammer, respectively. Then a blur runs through the middle of them, shoving Nikolina off the catwalk and punching Steve in the face. Nikolina twists in the air to land on her feet; once on solid ground, a low growl revibrates off the metal walls. She grabs a railing, swings her body up, and stares at the fighting. Seconds later, Pietro comes flying past her while holding onto Mjölnir; the boy crashes into the crates from which Nikolina just pulled herself. Walking to the railing, she leans over and stares at the boy, who groans in pain.

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