Iron Man 3

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It has been almost a year since I joined SHIELD. I have grown closer to Natasha and Clint, but I could see the underlining fear. The missions assigned to me caused me to travel worldwide for SHIELD. My unique set of skills makes me a valuable asset, valuable enough that Fury will do whatever it takes to make me stay with the organization.

I am currently in Brazil on vacation, lying on my towel in my bathing suit and listening to the beach's sounds. My body is slightly sweaty from the Brazilian sun, and I can feel the heat soaking into my skin. Deciding that it is about time to go into the ocean for a swim is when my cell phone rings; I look at the screen and see the word 'Pirate' flashing. Sighing through my nose, knowing that Fury calling means that my vacation is ending the moment I answer the call, I wait until the last second before the call goes to voice mail; I answer, taking joy in the fact that it pisses Fury off.

"Hola!" I say in a very bored tone; I hear Fury sigh out in anger and reply to me.

"We need you to come in. It's important."

"It always is Fury. How badly did you guys fuck up this time?" My sarcastic tone is coming through strongly while I make the jab at the organization.

"The Avengers are being assembled as we speak."

"Damn, that bad, huh? Where's Clint and Nat?" I hear Fury sigh, and there is hesitation on his side.

At this, my eyebrow raises, and I sit up in alarm, "Agent Romanov is gathering Bruce Banner and..."

"And Clint?" Silence is my only answer, causing me to snap, "Fury? You are testing my patience," I reply, my Russian accent coming through clearly.

"Barton has been compromised."

My body stiffens in its position, and my tone is now commanding, "I want a jet up and ready in 30 minutes. You know where I am. Make it happen."

I hang up on Fury before he gets a chance to respond. I grab all my shit and walk up to my hotel room; quickly showering the ocean water, sweat, and sand from my skin, I take this time to think over the missions the three of us have been assigned to lately. I grab my work clothes: black pants, shoes, a black tank top, and a leather jacket. My phone chimes, and I see the message, 'ROOFTOP.' I grab my backpack and weapons, taking the stairs to the rooftop. Seeing that the quinjet is waiting for me to board, I walk up the ramp and sit down; one of the pilots hands me a tablet, and I begin to look through the information provided.

Natasha Romanov - Black Widow

Steve Rogers - Captain America

Bruce Banner - Hulk

Tony Stark - Iron Man

Nikolina Volkov - The Shadow/ Kali

Thor- Pending; location is currently unknown

Guess these people are my new teammates.

It takes about 2 hours to get to the Helicarrier; in that time, I read up about my teammates and why we are being called in. SHIELD's work with the Tesseract created a problem, resulting in a god named Loki opening a portal with the Tesseract's energy and entering the earth. His scepter gives the god of mischief the power to enslave Barton and Dr. Selvig, now becoming nothing but a mindless soldier. They could get away while the building collapses around all the SHIELD agents. Fury hopes that Loki's brother Thor, the god of thunder, will come to our aid, but we are on our own right now.

I feel the quinjet land on the top of the Helicarrier; once the hatch opens, it pours light into the aircraft. Squinting my eyes, I rise from my sitting position and grab my bag; walking out, I am even more blind momentarily by the light but don't bother to put on my sunglasses. Noticing only a few people on the deck, I realize that most people are already inside and waiting for me to get in so they can take flight. I walk into the Helicarrier and head towards the command center, where the first thing I see is Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, and Nat. Fury turns to see me and nods his head in greeting, causing all three Avengers to spin around.

Power Within Herजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें