Thor: The Dark World

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After the funeral of the Queen of Asgard, Thor escorts me back to my chambers. I walk in and head towards the balcony. I lean my forearms against the railing and feel my shoulders slump. I hear the heavy footfalls of Thor's boots hitting the stone; I can feel the heat generating from his body.

"Does it get easier?" His voice is rough with emotion.

I turn slightly and peek through my hair, "You're asking the wrong person, bud."

He smiles lightly, "You lost your parents, Nikki."

"When I was a child. I have very little to no memories of them." Swallowing hard after the words are said.

"You have experienced more pain than every person I know, Nikki. You know the pain and what it is like to be lost." I put my head down as he talks.

I sigh heavily, and he turns his head towards me, "When HYDRA first took me, I would be locked in a cell or chained to a bed. I would cry for my mother or father to come and save me. Growing up, I had panic attacks because I couldn't control what was happening and was waiting for more punishments. I still remember all the needles jabbed into my skin, the chains biting my skin and rubbing them raw until they bled. I can still feel the cold surrounding me, the pitch-black walls of my cell."

"Nikolina, I had no idea."

I chuckle bitterly, "Why would you? I didn't want anyone to know. They don't even know what happened the last time I got captured."

"When were you captured?"

"Almost four months ago. I was on a mission. I got captured and experimented on me. They did something to me; they wanted me to be stronger, faster, and more ruthless. I escaped. I guess they got what they wanted because I killed everyone there."

Thor's jaw clenches tightly. I see the muscles tick in anger, "Can I see what they did to you?"

I sigh before turning my body to face him; he does the same, and soon we are standing facing each other. I look deep into his eyes before closing my own. I feel my teeth elongate, my nails grow to a sharp point, and I sense my eyes changing color. I open my now red eyes and look into Thor's ocean blue. I hear him gasp so quietly that I wouldn't be able to listen to it without my enhanced hearing.

I keep my eyes locked with his; Thor's hand comes up and cups the side of my head ever so gently. His thumb brushes my cheekbone before trailing down my jaw; I feel his thumb run over my fang. It lightly pricks the skin, but he remains unfazed; he sighs heavily before he looks down at my nails.

"Oh, Nikki. I am so sorry. What did they inject you with?"

"Multiple types of wolf blood. They thought it would be ironic seeing that my last name means wolf in Russian."

"They are cruel human beings. They got what was coming to them for what they did to you." He says strongly.

"Yeah." I chuckle slightly, "They made me train with my new powers."

"Come, I want to show you something." I quirk my eyebrow at him, and he smiles gently before taking my hand and pulling on it.

We travel down multiple hallways before we stand at two large doors. Thor pushes the doors open, and I see numerous weapons lining the walls, shields, knives, swords, bows, and arrows. He walks over a chest, flips the top open, and reaches in, and I see the muscles in his arms flex as he grabs something. He walks over to me and presents two beautiful swords.


He smiles before holding them out slightly, "I had these made for you when I returned home with Loki. You have proven your worth by fighting side by side with my mother. I have told my people about your fighting and how you are a wonderful warrior. Sif has greatly admired you from the stories I shared; even the Warriors Three want a chance to train with you."

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