Avengers: Age of Ultron - 1

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*3rd POV*

Natasha comes crashing through the trees on a stolen Hydra jeep surrounding the Hydra base while Clint stands up in the back, firing arrows at every agent that gets too close. Tony is flanking them in his suit, keeping the way clear for the jeep while firing his repulsion beams, just as Natasha kicks one of the agents in the face.

A second jeep pulls up behind theirs and begins to fire; Thor quickly stops it, dropping on top of the jeep and taking out the soldier before swinging his hammer to take him to the top of the lookout post. Thor takes out large groups of soldiers with only his fists as Steve rides by on his motorcycle, dragging a soldier by the leg before tossing him into another approaching one knocking them both unconscious.

He throws his shield, and it bounces off a tree and a few soldiers before he catches it again and secures it on his back; he swerves on his bike to avoid another oncoming jeep. Nikolina drops down in its path, throwing up a force field, causing it to collide head-on and flip over where the Hulk catches it and tosses it aside effortlessly before continuing on his rampage of taking out soldiers.

They all begin to advance on the barricade that is the only defense left from keeping them out of the base; Natasha swerves the truck while she and Clint jump out and over the barrier at the last second. Steve uses his bike to clear it, with Nikolina pushing herself off the back of the motorcycle. Thor, Tony, and Hulk avoid the barbed wire with ease. And for one brief moment, the Avengers are all picturesquely side by side, like in a superhero movie.

Tony flies ahead, taking out a few soldiers before heading toward the base, only to be zapped off the side when he comes in contact with a force field. "Shit!" He exclaims, righting himself.

"Language," Steve reprimands, the word slipping past his lips without him thinking about it. He speeds ahead, actively avoiding the amused glance Nikolina shoots him. "Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?" he questions the AI instead.

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield," Jarvis responds efficiently through the communication devices. "Strucker's technology is well beyond anything of a HYDRA base we've taken."

"Loki's scepter must be here," Nikolina guesses, standing back-to-back with the Norse God as they fight off the Hydra soldiers.

"Strucker can't mount this defense without it," Thor finishes while he throws his hammer past Nikolina's head at one of the approaching soldiers, and it quickly finds its way back into Thor's hand, as always. "At long last."

Natasha throws a grenade into one of the trucks and then jumps down, taking out a pair of soldiers before it can blow. Natasha waits until she is far enough away from the truck so she won't be in the blast radius to hit the detonator; she turns back to her earpiece.

"'At long last' is lasting a little long, guys," She chimes before pulling out her gun and shooting a man in the back of another truck.

"Yeah," Clint scoffs, ducking behind a tree again to avoid a bullet. "I think we lost the element of surprise."

"Wait a minute," Tony interrupts perplexingly. "Is no one going to deal with the fact that Cap just says 'language'?"

"I know," Steve sighs, speeding head-on toward one of the remaining trucks before pulling the brakes, standing up with his hands on the handlebars, throwing the bike over his head, and watching it crash into the truck. The man sighs again and hangs his head briefly before returning to what Tony is teasing him about, "it just slipped out."

Nikolina, who stops to watch Cap throw the bike, snarks back, "Kind of like my motorcycle?"

Cap cringes slightly, "sorry," Nikolina side-eyes him before running off to take her anger out on some Hydra soldiers. "I'll buy you a new one." The super-soldier calls after her, trying to appease the fierce woman.

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