Thor: The Dark World

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In London, SHIELD has been receiving strange and concerning data ratings from one of the satellites we have hovering over the UK. Fury commands me to use the safe house, specifically mine, safely tucked away in a rural part of England. The folder I am holding is overflowing with information. As I scan through the reports, taking note of the time of the energy spikes and the intensity, I notice that Jane Foster and her intern, Darcy Lewis, are also here in London. Jane and her team are attempting to track the energy surges.

I am currently wearing black clothes to blend in, my hair is a sure way to disguise myself if need be, and my makeup is simple. Sitting at a cafe, I keep my eye on Jane from afar, noting that she is not good at being discreet, is oblivious to her surroundings, and will likely be troublesome. The high-pitch beeping sound comes from a device in Jane's hand, and she looks at the machine in excitement.

Instantly, she jumps into her piece-of-shit car with Darcy, chasing after the two women. I slide into my car and begin tailing them, leaving room between us. As I continue following Jane and Darcy, she pulls into an old abandoned building that and the energy in the air causes my hair to stand on end, my body noticing the drastic changes in the atmosphere. The car's monitor shows many power surges, watching as they climb the floors to where a bunch of kids stand on the middle level of the building. I discreetly make my way up, keeping out of sight of Jane and Darcy, as well as the kids. I see something falling and disappearing in mid-air; I check the ceiling and floor to see if something is causing this, and I don't find anything. Running to the upper levels and trying and peer into the hole, I grab my phone and call Fury.

"We may have a problem on our hands, there is a portal opening, and it is leading to another world."

"What else? Is there anyone else there?"

"Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis, some guy, and a bunch of kids are with them."

"What are they doing?"

"Throwing random things into a portal. Gotta go." I reply in a perplexed voice while watching Darcy ask for the man's shoe.

I hang the call-up and place it in my back pocket. When I see Jane run off while looking at her reader, I follow behind her silently. Strong wind gusts cause the scientist to panic, and suddenly she and I are falling into the portal, thanks to the brat grabbing my jacket. I land on the ground and see a barren wasteland; I get up from the cement flooring and brush my hands against the fabric covering my thighs.

"Darcy!" I hear Jane yell. She spins towards the sound of feet hitting the ground, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

I raise my eyebrow at her and say, "Chill, and technically I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you, brat."

We look around, and I spot a column with red and black energy; my senses go on high alert. Jane slowly walks to the pillar and raises her hand, "I wouldn't." I caution her as I meander to her side; she looks at me, slightly annoyed, before returning to the energy. Suddenly, the power is attacking Jane. More specifically, entering her body. Jane begins to freak out, rapidly moving her arms as the red energy moves under her skin. She starts to stumble around before fainting on the stones, and I stare at her body, completely unimpressed, before going over to her. I kick her foot, causing her leg to twitch before resting back in its original place; for shits and giggles, one more kick, this time aimed at her shin, takes place.

"What kind of dumbass reaches her hand into a stone where there is a red glowing thing and doesn't know what it is? A really fucking dumb one, that's who."

I sigh and drop my head down to my chest, standing over to Jane, debating on leaving her where she is when we suddenly reappear in the old, abandoned factory. I look around to try and see what happened and why we are back; my attention is pulled to Jane when she jolts awake. "I thought you were supposed to be smart." I look over at her before gesturing with my head for her to get up.

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