Chapter: 4

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The Underworld

A Dimension that is about as Big if not even bigger than Earth itself, with it Land Masses even Larger than Earths as well, with it not having any Great Oceans within it, thanks to the Hero of Charity 

The Underworld is much like Earth, held many Territories with many residing in said Territories

But right now the one in focused would be the Devil Faction, The Home of the Devil Race, and right now in one of the Many Noble Territories of The Devil Faction, there stood multiple Devils with them looking at the ground sadly, with a Woman kneeling down on the Grave Praying to God 

Despite herself being a Devil, she Prayed to God, for that was something that her Beloved would have done

But being a Devil, it cause her Immense Pain, something that the surrounding Devils have also experience but merely fought through said Pain so that they could respect the Man that gotten the Heart of their Dearest Cleria 

After the prayer and the funeral right has been over, they then stayed for another 5 minutes before leaving the site so that they could give Cleria some privacy, well almost everyone since the Head of the Belial House Diehauser Belial stayed closed to his Cousin 

" What do you need of me Cleria? " Diehauser asked his precious cousin with a soft tone, trying to not appear to be Authoritarian Figure to his Cousin, since he knew that this would be the lowest state that she is right now, since the one she truly loved was now died protecting her after all

And in truth, normally he would have also left to give her space and privacy, but he didn't, for the simple reason that he was asked by Cleria directly to stay for they would have something to talked 

Cleria hearing her Cousin's words, then knelt down while also holding the Necklace that Karna has gifted her, the Necklace that have signify that the Legendary Hero of the Sun has his support, and with that she then stood up and then looked at Diehauser with complete seriousness in her eyes, which is something that Diehauser was surprised about 

" Nii-san, will you help me in avenging my Beloved's death? " Cleria asked completely serious about her request to her Cousin, who only nodded at her words

" Yes, I shall helped you in your path of revenge Cleria, no matter what it is, I shall helped " Diehauser answered completely ready to do what Cleria wanted for this moment, even if Cleria were to asked him to destroy an Entire City he will do it

Since many do forget, they are devils, because of that fact alone, they could casually do entire massacres if they felt like it, but didn't simply because they need Political Influence and the ability to negotiate with other Factions as well 

Hearing this Cleria only sighed and with that took off her Necklace and then showed it to the confused Diehauser who was only curious on what the Necklace is, Cleria seeing this could only smile happy at what she was about to do, for her Beloved Masaomi and for her Faction as a whole as well 

" Nii-san, will you changed our allegiance away from the Great King Faction and then switch to the 4 Satan Faction? " Cleria asked Diehauser, who only looked at her confused at her request 

" .. If you asked me too, then I will, but I asked why do you want to switch? " With that question Cleria then went close to her Cousin and then presented him with the Necklace in her hands while also hiding it to potential spies going about as well 

" The Great King Faction is the one responsible for the death of Masaomi, for I have discovered the Corruption on what they have made for the last centuries " Diehauser hearing this only looked around him and then created a soundproof barrier around the two of them and then looked at Cleria 

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