Prologue[Added a Few Lines in the Boons Giving for Shiva]

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Karna was born from the daughter of a human king, Kunti and the Sun God Surya

Kunti was the wife of the Kuru king Pandu, but he was under a curse that prevented him from producing children, so his queens each had no choice but other methods to bear children

Kunti was a woman who had a Mantra that allowed her to copulate with and bear the child of any god and, by those means, gave Pandu children, but before she became the king's wife, she tested the mantra and bore a single child

That child was Karna, the golden hero who was born from relations with the sun god Surya. Kunti was a determined woman and, afraid of her first birth and anxiety over whether the god would acknowledge his own child

" I want Proof That This Is Your Child "

Kunti Prayed To Surya

Surya heard Kunti's words and gave until the child, as he was born, his own power and attributes

As proof of being the son of Surya, he was given a golden armor and this is the source of the golden armor that made Karna invulnerable

Karna was born to become a great hero

Though she was shown such grace and faithfulness, Kunti abandoned her first son

For her, who was to become the queen of Kuru king Pandu, the existence of her son was nothing but unnecessary

This is how Karna, who was thrown away by his own mother, came to be ignorant of his own birth, but he lived with only the things he had been given by his father, the sun god Surya, held in his chest

Karna grew up with a low social status

The form of Karna, who didn't know his own mother's face and who questioned whether his mother was motivated by dishonesty, couldn't be called beautiful

Though he possessed his father's brilliant authority, his form was stained black. His countenance was cruel, and his every action was violent

Because of his lack of human mother, he didn't learn the subtleties of human emotion and spent his days being considered a nuisance by the people around him

That was how Karna was raised, but he didn't hate his mother or his surroundings. Instead, he accepted everything. His mother and father were the ones who gave him life so he thought that no matter what kind of person his mother was, he did not hold contempt for her, as if there is anything he had to hate was himself alone

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