Chapter: 2

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40 Years Ago

Cleria POV

Normally this would be like any other day, a normal boring and tedious day, I would wake up, Get Dress, Eat Breakfast, Go to School to learn about Noble Adequate and Devil Magic, Go Home to learn about Belial History and Tradition, and then train my Family Magic known as Worthlessness 

Well that was until, my cousin Diehauser came to visit me in my bedroom personally 

" Big Broth― Oh right sorry, it's Lord Belial now right? " Well despite me being his Cousin, the two has more of a Brother-Sister Relationship and has since then started to call ourselves as Brother and Sister regardless if we were in private or in public 

And in seems that right now, with me calling him Lord Belial, he started to be quite embarrassed of me calling him Lord Belial


So cute~

But still though it was very much expected of him being the Head of the Belial Household though, since he is the Strongest in the Rating Games and was said to have Powers and Capabilities to defeat anyone in the Devil Faction with the sole exception of the 4 Great Satans

Even then, there have been talks that he could fight and win against Lady Serafall Leviathan-sama or Lord Falbium Asmodeus-sama, with it being unclear since Big Brother doesn't really want to fight the Satans, since he respects them Immensely and just wants to support there rule over the Underworld 

" Please don't tease me like that Cleria-chan " 

" *Giggles* Sure~.. But anyways why are you here Nii-sama " I asked since, despite his love for me, we never really meet that often, since him being the Rating Game Champion and the Head of the Belial House makes him quite busy after all

To this Nii-sama then brought a Book to me and showed it to me, making me realized what it was, It was my Personal Favorite Story out of the many Books inside my Room, and that book was named the Mahabharata 

Well unlike the Human version of the Story, it isn't written poem, the reason for that is because of the way that Hindus does there business to spread there stories all over India, but however this version of the Version is directly written by the Gods of Hinduism with there just being a few books being released 

The Main difference between this version and the Poem, is that it includes the other Mythological Worlds in its' story, making it more of a Historical Book than anything else, with it being very well written and accurate since many Gods of Knowledge and Wisdom worked on it and be as accurate as possible

And much like the Human version, this Story focused on the two warring Cousins The Pandavas and The Kauravas, and in the stars of the Story would be without a doubt the Rivals Karna and Arjuna 

The Rivalry between the two is Legendary and Mythical in nature, even in the Supernatural World, the two was more revered as the same way as Humans think of the Supernatural World, A Myth 

There Battles, Powers and Items in Combat in Legendary, and it's not like anyone could disprove this fact, since there is a lot of evidence of there Existence in this World, since before the War between the Pandavas and the Kauravas The Whole Human World was just one big Continent that was now called as the Pangea, but after there battle the Continents Split making the 7 Continents we see today 

In fact, the sole reason why the Underworld doesn't even have an Ocean was because of Karna fought The Original Lucifer causing the Ocean to dry up, it's because of that the Devil Faction also lost about 30% of our own Territory because of the Fault being Lucifer's actions against Lord Karna 

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