153: Face to Face

Start from the beginning

She jumped through before Winter could come back out.

The door shut.

"Why does she keep calling Winter that?" Weiss asked Qrow.

"Because she has a s----y sense of humor," Qrow said.

"I don't think you should have forced her to go," Hazel said. "She'll only come back now."

"As long as it takes her at least a few hours to pull that off, we can see if this idea will work," Qrow said.

"No Maidens, no Relic..." Weiss said uneasily. "Yeah, what could go wrong?"

[Never say that on this show, Weiss.]

* * *

Before the Maidens arrived, Shine and Wally had decided to just stay in Beacon for the time being.

Shine wasn't sure she could portal through the Grimm anyway.

This did not satisfy anyone...but they couldn't do anything about it.

"So now you're refusing to help us do that also," Yang said.

"All I know is that I got that we should stay for a while," Shine said.

"Great, Salem can take that Relic too," Yang said.

"Your mother can leave any time she wants, if she doesn't want to get it back out," Shine said.

"Why did we ever agree to this plan?" Yang griped.

"Yang, if you want to whine, go somewhere else," Shine said, shaking a book at her. "I have better things to do with my time. I'm sorry, all right? That you're mad--but I would change nothing, and I'd do it again. Deal with it."

Yang, instead of walking away, just clenched her fist.

"I just don't get it," she said. "You knew it would piss us off, so why did you do it? And why don't you just leave now? We already don't agree."

"Because I do not just leave when things get difficult." Shine was looking at her book, but when she looked up, Yang was staring at her.

"What?" Shine asked.

"You know, you really annoy me," Yang said.

"I'm aware. You don't really try to hide it," Shine said.

"If you hate how we handle this so much, why do you even want to help? Why not just go home?" Yang said.

"Are you asking me or yourself?" Shine asked.

Ooh, got her.

Yang made an angry sound and kicked at the floor.

"Yang," Shine finally said in a more gentle tone, closing her book, "what's wrong?"

"You know what's wrong." Yang scowled.

"All that anger, all that fear you hold," Shine said slowly, "would it be so bad to let it go and just admit what's underneath it? Just for once, let your guard down, try to not be the tough girl? It might be a relief."

"You think I want to talk to you after what happened?" Yang asked.

"I think so," Shine said. "I've clearly let you down. I can't change what I did, but you could change how you talk to me about it. You could be honest."

"It's just that you act like all you care about is the 'truth', and you preach at us, but you're always going against what we're trying to do, and later you go behind our backs and do other stuff," Yang said.

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