💁🏾‍♀️chapter 20

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They had their food and now was they were in Their room. Taehyung was looking around in a hope to find something that would give him a hint about how to leave this place. Jungkook was on the balcony looking outside the night view was pretty calm from the day as he can see nothing but the red and dark street from there unlike sometime before when a brute was harming a ki.....wait a kind person in hell? Naahh Mayne she deserves it but not infront of his eyes.

"What are you thinking?" He felt taehyung hands around his waist, he melted in his touch and leaned backwards to taehyung. He placed his hand on his and muttered "Let's explore this place, what you sat?" He asked making taehyung eyes wide "W...what? Rig......right now?" Taehyung asked a little hesitant. "Why can't we? Are you scared Mr. Demon king?" Jungkook provoked him and taehyung pouted at that. "No I am not but I am tired Let's go tomorrow, anyways I think we are not leaving any soon" he said then walked toward the king size bed, and throw himself on that "I wanna sleep" he let out and roll himself on the bed. "You are right, I am tired too" kook too walked and sat down on the bed in criss-cross position. "Let's sleep then" Kook nodded but then he quickly become nervous when he realized that they are in sane room. He was really panicking like he hadn't confessed his his feelings toward taehyung today only.

He look down and fidget his fingers while chewing his lips slightly. "What's wrong kookie? Do You want more space?" Kook didn't replied much but looked at taehyung, then at bed, where pillows were placed only some inches apart. He chuckled 'saying like he has given any space' kook thought with smile then Hummed and just a little voice out from kook mouth made taehyung visibly sad. Taehyung nodded and pick his pillows centimeters away. "Okey?" Kook nodded "Let's sleep" he said and then lie laid down on the right side of bed.

"Are you'll ready?" Jisoo asked, right now they all were standing inside a circle, holding each other's hand. They all nodded and jisoo hummed. They looked at Mr.kim who was looking at them with worried eyes. All members denied that when Mr.kim asked to cone, as he need rest because of the accident. He come and told them this much it was enough, now they will go to save their friends. "Take care of yourself uncle. We will come with taehyung really soon" Jin said. Mr Kim smiled and nodded.

"I'll be waiting, come with my brat soon" he chuckled making other chuckled as well.

"Let's go then?" She Said, everyone looked at her and hummed. "Okey! Let's go then" she announced and then after some incoherent words she left along with other members. "Please lord take care of them. Let everything be positive" he said and then get into his car. He looked up at sky, it was bright today, extremely calm, a calm before storm. It was oddly threatening too. He shook his head and drove off.

2 days passed by so hardly. they tried very much but all they got was a deep sigh at the end. It was the third day. Taehyung woke up and the first thing he saw after waking up was............ seonwha . He wide his eyes and got off

whole day went by but they found nothing. The only thing they found was people fighting everywhere like or what can they except from this hell? it actually made taehyung and jungkook regret the decision of coming out from the castle.

right now they were going they were at their room. taehyung let out a big sigh, throw himself at the bed and let out a big growl "goddd i am really tired" jungkook threw himself beside him and let out a tired sigh too "same here" taehyung turned around and looked at jungkook face. jungkook was looking at the celling but when he noticed an intense stare at him he looked at the side just to see taehyung looking at him with such loving eyes. he smiled at him and asked "what is it?" taehyung shook his head "nothing just looking at my universe" jugkoook rolled his eyes at that "too cheesy I will puke cause of much sweetness" taehyung pout at that and whined "hey don't be like that gosh you are so unromantic" taehyung said, jungkoook nod at that then giggle but his giggle stop when the door nocked. 

taehyung got up and walk toward the door. he opened he door and looked at the lady standing there with her mysterious cheeky smile. she walked in and her eyes fall  jungkook who was lying on the bed she rolled her eyes then turned to look at taehyung "my king what are you doing? if not, then please come with me" she said making taehyung eyes narrow "what?" he asked, she walk up to him "today we will introduce you to the whole place so you have to come with me" taehyug looked at jungkook who tooo was looking at him  "let me think before", "ohh of course" she let out, taehyung nodded but when she didn't went he glare at her "why don't you just leave the room?" he  asked and she immediately nodded her head then with a last glance at jungkook she walked out

"what do you think? should I go?" he asked as soon as she went out. jungkoo shook his head "why? do go what if they do something?"  "but we can know about this place more if I go with her" 

"but...." he tried to say but couldn't complete his sentence when taehyung said in calm and collective voice "if we have to get out from this place we have to take risk koo" jungkoook huffed out and pout a little "then go, don't ask me" 

"ko...." he stopped when e heard a knock "are you coming my king?" she asked looking inside. taehyung nodded after looking at jungkook "yes" he muttered out then walked behind the lady as soon as taehyung went jungkook walk toward the door to lock it but when he was about to lock the door something come to him at a fast speed shocking him, he looked at he thing that collide with his leg jusrt to  see a book. he looked around but found no one so he bend down to grab the book "the hell" he read he title of the book then pick it up. 

walking inside with the book, he lock the door while thinking about who would have thrown it? he looked at the book againbut this time a little paper catch his eye he took that out and read he small latter written over the small space "please read,.................xieng:"


purple you all............ 💜

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