💁🏾‍♀️chapter 7

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It was rhe next day.....
Jungkook opened his eyes and a smile formed on his lips when he feel taehyung, he was sleeping, snoring softly while hugging him tightly and his hand was wrapped around his waist.

Jungkook tried to push taehyung off but instead taehyung hugged him more tightly.

"Tae hyungie get off, leave me" jungkook said but taehyung was still sleeping

"Get off, come on we will miss our breakfast" he whines and taehyung finally opened his eyes.

"Good morning bun" taehyung said as he looked at jungkook who had a cute pout on his lips, chubby cheeks and was pushing him trying to get away. He controls his urge to kiss junkook chubby cheeks, but still he wrapped his hands around him more tightly and then squeeze his cheeks.

"Yeh Yeh good morning, now let's go otherwise we will not be getting our breakfast" jungkook said as his cheeks become red

"I just wish I could have you as my bre--" taehyung was saying but stopped when jungkook asked "did you just say something?"

"No I didn't, let's go" taehyung replied and then stood up stretching his body and yawn.

And kook nodded still cheeks were a bit of red.


Everyone was eating their breakfast,when jin spoke "hey guys do you know that taehyung was drunk yesterday" he said

"What and you didn't told me? I would have drunk with you too" jimin said as he feel offended how can his best friend drink alone

"No I didn't drink it's just,....I don't know, did you went somewhere hyung? Yesterday at night?" Taehyung asked to namjoon who was eating hid breakfast

"Han? No I didn't went anywhere I just went to sleep" he replied, still eating.

"Nothing guys, he had just gone mad cause his kookie was sleeping in same tent with yugyeom" hobi said as he rolled his eyes.

"Yehhhh no it--" taehyung was going to say something but their professor interrupt.

"Everyone just eat your breakfast quickly and then we will discuss about the wilife and different types of trees" the professor said

"What? I thought we could take rest in this peaceful place, after all I just come here for the peace only" yoongi asked

"Yehh, I too thought I could spend my time enjoying without any study?" Taehyung said

"No we are going to study about the wildlife and different type of trees, that's why we come here" the professor cleared

"You should have told us goshh I just did a mistake c--" "enough no more talk and just eat your food, and if anyone don't do their task properly then we have to give them 'F' and this would influence your exam results." The professor said and everyone just kept quiet.

"Good now eat" the professor said and everyone nodded and quietly ate their food.


"The branches of these type trees are very strong comparing to other and its root are spread for about 2m.........right now the teacher was explaining about some special trees and grass and flowers while all the students were trying to listen.

"Now everyone here is the rare species of plant, this only grow on these type of cold weather----"

"How annoying" taehyung said
"First time in my life I am agreeing with you on something" jungkook replied
"Can't we just skip this?" Yoongi asked
"Just listen guys, this is very informative" namjoon said
"Yeh we don't have any other option, we don't want a F" Jin said as jimin and jhope nodded

"Why you guys are talking?, tell me what I taught you all just now" the teacher asked, being angry

"Abb..... you told us about the--" namjoon was going to speak but stopped when the teacher sign him to stop

"I know that you know namjoon I am asking others" the teacher said as namjoon just scratches his neck and nodding

The teacher looked at others who gulp and just stay silent

"Do you want me to give you F?" And everyone shook their head

"Fine so your work is to find these plants" she said showing them a photo of the plant

"Make sure to don't harm them and just one leaf is enough, see them and return" the teacher said with a smile, the smile was looking nothing good though

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"Make sure to don't harm them and just one leaf is enough, see them and return" the teacher said with a smile, the smile was looking nothing good though

"But if we don't have to hram them then why should we find them just for one leaf?" It was yoongi who asked

"Yeh it's just a punishment to not listen me when I was teaching you also with the leaf we could know more about them and also to make sure that you actually find them" the teacher said
"And if you don't wanna do that then it's fine, I will give yo--"

"Let's go guys" jimin said "we are going miss" jimin said as he gave a fake smile toward the teacher who smirk and nodded.


"So me and jimin are going to that side" suga said and others nodded

"Me and kookie baby are going there" taehyung said too.

"But I don't wanna come with you?" Jungkook asked more like said

"Oh come on let's go" taehyung said as he grab jungkook hand and walk away in a particular side

"Fine me and jhope  are going there" and yoonmin nodded, then they all left to their own paths.

Hey purples
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Take care.......Purple yaa all.....💜

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