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It was the time to go home. The college ended and everyone was making their way out of the college.

"Let's meet at namjoon hyung home"taehyng said to jimin and waved a good bye then made his way toward jungkook who was walkig to home.

"Bub I will come to pick you up okeyy?"
Taehyung asked the boy who made an annoying face and looked at him.

"Who is your bub,and no thanks, I can come by myself, I know the way." Jungkook replied but taehyng shook his head and again said in a dreaming way.

"Nope I will come to pick you up, just imagine me and you no one else, our hand intertwined and we walking to namjoon hyung house, FUCK, can just rain pour to make it more romantic. You me ad one umbr-- "GOSHHHH JUST SHUTTT UPPP, why are you soo annoying? ."

Jungkook shouted as he walk fast so he could hide the blush on his cheeks from taehyung and also the embarrassment when he saw how the people passing by them laughing, some saying 'cute' and some talking not so good about them.

But taehyung pouted and followed him but stopped as soon as jungkook stopped.

"You better go home and stop talking rubbis." Jungkook commands and tae nodded like a puppy and smiled.

" Okey byee bun take care and I will come to pick you up" with that taehyung left from there, waving his hand and giving a wink to kook who looked away hiding his smile, as soon as tae disappeared jungkook also made his way to his home.


I don' think so I should go in, taehyung thought as he bit his lip Out of nervousness, dad would be at home and if he sees my today's math test he gonna throw my video games and won't let me go to namjoon hyung he again thought.

But kookie would be there and I wanna go too he keep thinking as a natural pout come on his soft lips.

"Not you coming in?" Mr.kim aka Kim hyun-jun asked his son who looked at him with a sheepish smile and shook his head.

"Nope, Am coming in" taehyung replied as he walked in and was going to his room but Mr.kim again said "your professor called me and told me that you got 30 out of 100 in your math test taehyung?".

He asked and hearing it taehyung widened his eyes.

"No dad--he tried to speak but Mr.kim interrupt, "Don't lie taehyung"he Said in a serious tone and taehyung sigh.

"Okey I got 30 out of 100 but I'll do better next time" taehyung said

"No I know you will not last time you said same thing but you just improved from 25 to 30?, I am going to stop your  going out and you will not play any games just do your studies."

Mr.kim ordered strictly but taehyung looked at him with puppy eyes and said
"Dad I have to go to Namjoon hyung home he called all of us"


"Kookie coming there too appa" taehyung said and Mr.kim sigh.

"You are failing all your test just because of that boy."

"Appa doesn't say anything about kookie" taehyung said with a slight growl.

"Then focus on the study just like you focus on that boy umm.. kookie yehhh."
Mr.kim said.

"But what about me going Namjoon hyung home?" Taehyung asked.

"You can't till you study" Mr.kim said as he shook his head as a NO. 

"Come on dad, I will do study at night"

"You will?"
And tae nodded with a smile

"Okey then but come soon don't be too late" Mr.kim said as he shook his head knowing his son not gonna understand so he let it be but smile a lil when he heard taehyung running upstairs while shouting '"thank you dad I love yaa".

And this was the Kim family taehyung dad was the only parent taehyung has because of some accident taehyung lost his mother but Mr.kim gave him all the happiness he deserves but he is also very strict when it come to taehyung's study. On the other hand taehyung too love his dad and they actually have a kinda bond of best friends. He too want to be good at studies but when he start study he get bored easily and leave it then talk to jungkook for hours who look no in mood of any talk but still do.


Hello purples
Hope you all like this
Yehhhh this was the chapter 2
How was it? comment and let me know if it was good
Purple yaaaa allll......💜

Adventure (Taekook)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant