Extra Chapter - Insecurities

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Tiri, who requested a more angsty one shot for these two. I hope you have fun reading this chapter, Tiri!




Mr. Seojun Han

You are cordially invited to the 10 year reunion of Saebom High School for the graduates of 2020.

The event will be held at the Gymnasiym, Saebom High School on Saturday, 9pm.

We look forward to your presence.

A woman was clearly organizing the reunion, because the card in Sujin's hand was light pink and bordered with purple and pink flowers. The gold, embossed lettering stared out at Sujin like an insult. Her palms became clammy at the thought of seeing her classmates again after so many years.

"The invitation isn't for me, Seojun-ah," Sujin tried to worm her way out of attending. "I didn't graduate, remember? I moved to a different school," she turned on the couch while Seojun dried his hair messily at the kitchen island, with the towel Sujin normally used to dry her face.

She had told him a million times to get his own towel. And Seojun always promised he would. And yet, as always, he ended up using her things instead of doing what he said he would do.

"You're not getting out of this, Kang Sujin. You're going with me and that's final."

"Ah-neeeee~ It's just a stupid reunion. Why do I have to go?"

"This is important to me, Sujin-ah. You know why. I really want to go and see everyone. Especially that vice-principal who always thought I'd end up in jail." Seojun began snacking on the grapes from the fruit bowl, despite the fact that Sujin already had dinner cooking on the stove. He would once again ruin his appetite and wake up in the middle of the night, hungry. She hated that he always let his food go cold before eating it. If only he would listen to her.

"And I want that for you too! But I don't see why I have to be there."

"Why not? I want to show off just how awesome my life is. Especially my awesome girlfriend," Seojun grinned.

"You're an idol. You're not supposed to have a girlfriend."

"We should break up then," Seojun said casually.

"Yah," Sujin warned. "Don't even joke about that."

Seojun laughed, getting up from the stool, "Fine. We both should stay in," he came over to kiss her head, the scent from his shampoo hitting Sujin's nose.

She closed her eyes and breathed in before answering, "No. You should go. I know you're dying to meet everyone." And prove to them that you weren't the loser everyone thought you were, Sujin thought but didn't say. She was happy for Seojun and the success he had found. It was cathartic to her that the guy who had been looked down by all of the teachers and the students as a worthless delinquent was doing so well in his life.

"Nope. If you're not going. I'm not going." With that, Seojun went into their bedroom.

Sujin made a face. She knew what Seojun was doing. She knew that he knew that she wouldn't let him miss out on the opportunity to show their teachers that he wasn't the no-good bully they all assumed he was. That he had talent that the whole world now acknowledged and they had misjudged him all those years ago.

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