Chapter 3

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"Are you crazy? How could you grab me like that?" Seojun smoothened the collar of his coat that Sujin had bunched up with her fist. She had let go when he had said that he would follow her enough times for her to believe him. They walked together, Sujin stalking ahead of him. He quickly put on his mask to hide his famous face. "How can a girl be so strong?" He said under his breath. Then spoke aloud, "Is this any way to treat an idol?"

Sujin suddenly turned on her heels, stopping Seojun in his tracks. She was a little too close for comfort and looked intimidating with that unfiltered anger on her face. "Just shut up and follow."

Seojun put his hands on his hips, tilting his head. He was unimpressed by her tough attitude. He gestured forward with his chin, "Then move."

He followed her, keeping a small distance between them. She marched forward, taking long strides with her long, long legs. She looked like a general going to war.

"She calls me a thug. She should look at herself." He mumbled.

Sujin led them to a secluded pocha: street food vendor with small plastic seats housed inside a plastic tent. Seojun adjusted his mask.

"Relax, no one here is going to recognize you." Sujin said, sensing his discomfort. Indeed, when Seojun looked around, all he saw were hold ahjusshis getting drunk and babbling nonsense. None of them seemed like his fans.

Still, Sujin led them in a corner table and sat where he was hidden to others. She ordered two bottles of soju and side dishes for him. He simply watched with his arms crossed.

The silence between them was imposing and heavy. Neither of them said anything. Han Seojun openly stared at Sujin. Sujin looked everywhere but him. The lady brought them their order. Sujin effortlessly opened a bottle and moved to fill his glass. Seojun put his hand on top of his glass to stop her.

With a click of his tongue, he took the bottle from her and poured for himself. She followed suit; filling her own. They both took a shot.

Sujin sat up straight, shuffling in her seat. She first looked down at her hands in her lap, then looked up, straight in his eyes.

"Mianhae. Sorry." It took him by surprise. More than that, the regret on her face moved him. If only by an inch. "I'm sorry, Han Seojun. What I did back then... I was going through some personal issues, and I took it out on Jukyung. But even that is not a good enough excuse. I shouldn't have done what I did. And what I said to you... even after you gave me a chance to delete the video... I'm sorry." She gulped and Seojun mirrored her. "You were right. I was only destroying myself. I should have seen that. But I have changed now. I'm not the same person. I know you're important to Jukyung. So, I hope we can get along from now on."

Seojun took another shot. He took a minute, considering her words.

"If it's forgiveness you want, then Kang Sujin, there is nothing to forgive between us. Your fight was with Jukyung. Not me." Sujin appeared relieved till Seojun added, "However, my problem with you isn't because of old grudges. I just can't trust you, Kang Sujin. I believe you still will hurt Jukyung, even if you don't mean to. And I can't let that happen."

Sujin's mouth became small. She jutted her jaw, pouring another shot for herself. She downed it aggressively before responding. "I'm not the same girl anymore. I'm not in love with—"

"You keep saying that But have you really changed? Can you honestly tell me that you're over Suho?"

"I am over him."

"Bullshit. I saw the way you were looking him. All throughout dinner—"

"Aren't you just projecting your own feelings onto me?" Sujin interrupted.

Seojun laughed incredulously, "What?"

"The one who's not over their unrequited love is you. You're not over Jukyung."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. All these years you've been pretending to be her friend. Aren't you the one being two faced?"

"I've already confessed to her. We even went on a date." Seojun smirked.

This was news to Sujin, "Aah. Is that so? Then isn't that more pathetic? Even though she clearly doesn't want you—"

"Yah, Kang Sujin."

"—you're still not over her. I too saw how you looked at her. With that pathetic puppy dog expression on your face. Don't you think this is awkward for Jukyung? Sitting there with her boyfriend and—"

"Shut your damn mouth."

"Wae? Don't like it when the tables are turned?" Sujin and Seojun glared at each other with hate filled eyes. Seojun poured and downed another shot. This was not how he imagined this conversation going.

"I'm not in love with her." 

Sujin snorted, "Hul. Then why is it you who is giving me this lecture and not Lee Suho? If I'm really such a threat to Lim Jukyung, then shouldn't her boyfriend be the one to confront me? What gives you the right to treat me this way?"

Seojun paused. "I can give you a million reasons; that I'm her friend, that even though I'm not her boyfriend, she stills relies on me, that I'm doing this out of humanity."

Sujin rolled her eyes at him.

"That I don't want to lose another friend because of bullying."

At this, her face fell. She licked her lips as she considered his point of view. Then, wordlessly, she poured him a drink.

"I'm not a bully. I never was. I did a shitty thing that I've apologized for and now I'd like to move on with my life." She poured herself a shot of soju too. "I care about Jukyung. I will always regret what I did to her. But I still have a chance at friendship and I am going to take it whether you like it or not."

They both took the shot. Sujin poured them another.

"We both care about Jukyung. And she would want us to get along, or at least pretend to for her sake." Sujin gave Seojun a pointed look. The ball was in his court now.

Seojun recalled how uncomfortable Jukyung had been because of his hostility towards Sujin tonight. True, Sujin wasn't the kind to be trusted. Seojun was a man of action, he didn't believe in hollow words. But it was also true that fighting with Sujin all the time would cause problems in their peaceful little group. And although he was sure that when it came to it, everyone would choose him and not her, he still held up the shot glass and said, "For Jukyung's sake."


The two drunken enemies staggered on the sidewalk, each supporting the other while trying not to fall.

"Ah-nee-ya, I'm not *hic* not in love with Jukyung. I don... I don..."

"Arassssso. And I'mf the Pwincess of England." Sujin slurred, pushing Seojun upright as she tried to hail a taxi.

"Na ah-nee-ya. I'm not. Nope." Seojun hiccuped.

"Ah just sstand stilllll!" Sujin pushed his body away but his arm was still draped over her shoulder.

"Ah sshutup! Shut up you stupid Suijin!" Seojun started snickering at his own statement, "Hehehe. Stupid Sujin. Sujinnie phabo." Seojun pushed his weight onto her, still chortling.

"Ah stand still!!" Sujin wrapped an arm around his waist to hold him up. She was suddenly very aware of just how tall he was. Even with her own impressive height, he seemed too big.

A taxi finally stopped and Sujin struggled with pushing Seojun inside. She kicked him in with her legs when he bent over on the seat but refused to move further to give her room.

"Where to?" The driver asked when they both were seated.

"Han Seojun, tell him your address."

Seojun fell to the other side, passed out. Sujin, who herself felt like passing out, leaned over to tap his face, "Han Seojun? Ya! Wake uuup." He did not.

"Are we leaving or not?" The driver asked impatiently.

Sujin shook Seojun again. He stirred, only to mumble Jukyung's name and pass out on her shoulder again. Sujin looked at the driver helplessly.

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