Extra Chapter

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Dedicated to yoonglesjoon for requesting an additional chapter on Seojun and Sujin living together. 


It was a nice, sunny day in the city. The sky was a clear blue. The birds chirped songs of love to each other.

Then a blood curling scream rang out of one of the apartments in the high-rise condominium.

Sujin ran out of her study, nearly tripping on her feet. "What's wrong?!"

The door to the bathroom slammed open, a half-naked Seojun skid out, smacking into the wall. Soap suds slid down his bare torso. The shampoo froth dripped on the floor from his hair that stuck to his forehead.

"Co-co-co-co-co—" Seojun stuttered.

Ready for war, Sujin quickly grabbed the baseball bat they kept in the hallway and stalked over to the bathroom. And when she saw the cause for Seojun's scream, all concern dissipated from her face, leaving behind an unamused, unimpressed, empty expression.

With eyes narrowed to slits, she whipped her head around to glare at Seojun.

It was a cockroach. Not even a fully grown one. Just a little baby cockroach.

"Is that it?"

"Sujin-ah, k-k-k-kill it, won't you?" Seojun, pointed to the uninvited guest with a shaking finger, eyes still wide in dread.

"Seriously? What happened to I'm not afraid of anything, Seojun?" Sujin said, mimicking his deep voice.

"Sujin-aaaaah," Seojun whined, "Chaeballll! Pleeeeeease!"

Sujin groaned in exasperation, hanging her head, her hair falling like a curtain. "You are such a baby I swear." She took off her indoor slipper, smacking it down on the bathroom tiles, crushing the cockroach flat.

Seojun audibly exhaled in relief, shoulder's sagging. "Oh, thank God." Then as if remembering himself, he cleared his throat and straightened up, clutching the towel around his waist tighter. "I would have killed it myself, but I let you do it cuz uh, you know,

"Ah, yes." Sujin said, sarcasm dripping from her tongue the same way water was dripping from Seojun. She went back inside and came out with a piece of white paper. She slid it under the dead cockroach's smashed body, picking it up from the floor.

"That thing just caught me by surprise, is all." Seojun cleared his throat again, looking up at the ceiling.

"Sure." Sujin stepped aside, about to throw the paper and the cockroach in the dustbin.

"And of course, a man should let his woman save him sometimes too. Feels good, doesn't it?"

A devious thought entered Sujin's mind as an evil smile spread across her face. "Oh, yes. My savior. My brave boyfriend. Thank you for this opportunity to let me save you for once," she said, her voice sounding just a little too sweet. She inched closer to Seojun, all the while holding out the paper with the dead cockroach on it.

"Wha-wha-what're you doing, babe?" Seojun inched away, matching each step Sujin took forward. She stepped forward. Seojun stepped back, sliding against the wall till he hit the decorative table.

"What's wrong, Seojun-ah?" Sujin asked in mock innocence as she creeped nearer.

"Hajima. Don't you dare bring it any closer."

"Bring what closer, my darling? My love? My strong and brave namja."

"Al-alright, Sujin-ah. That's enough," Seojun held out a hand while the other desperately held on to his towel.

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