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THREE MONTHS LATA——————-new house 📍

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new house 📍

"where you close with your dad?" amari asked me with a small frown and i shook my head no , "why?" she asked curiously.

if i'm being honest we where just alike that's why i despised him, i hated that i looked like him, i hated that i cheated .

Everything i stood against i did , and i tried to blame it on because i didn't have a real father figure , when in reality i be on some lil boy shit.

"I don't like em." i mumbled and she nodded , "sorry for-you good ma." i caressed her cheek as she stared back into my eyes , "your so handsome." she mumbled , "thank you." i kissed her and she sat up slowly .

"y'all not finna fuck while we right here." ant snatched us apart.

i pulled from the blunt looking around , jayda .

she's very quite , she close with mari tho. we did a background check and it's just liked amari's .

i asked mari did she know her  & she said yes but didn't tell me anything about her background .

overall i like her , she make ant happy and she cool people.

i think she think ion like her , ant said she thought that . at first i didn't but that's because she stepped on my shoes .
she give me crybaby vibes too , "why you don't like me what i do?" she asked curiously and i rose an eyebrow .

"why you think ion like you?"

"because you always have a mug or a frown when you see me." she trailed off  , "see you have one now." she pointed out  .

"i don't dislike you, i just don't know you enough to be comfortable with you." i shrugged , "oh..so your always looking like that?"

i hummed and blew through my nose , "oh well sorry then." she shrugged , i payed her no mind walking to the kitchen grabbing myself some gushers , i grabbed a caprisun and walked to my spot getting comfortable.

"what you mixed with again?" ace asked me , "puerto rican & west indian." i mumbled trying to stick the straw in the hole.

I was getting very irritated.

mari grabbed it from me and poked it through before handing it back, "thank you baby." i mumbled sitting back , i really miss my mama  .

i wish she could meet mari , she'd love her just as much as i do.

"what does it mean to be turned out?" mari blurted curiously and i continued to drink my juice , "yall gone answer ?" ant asked and I shrugged . "it can mean a lot of shit , but for me and you it mean me   introducing you to stuff you never did before , like..how you was confused on what to do but now , your a slut." i trailed off and ace started  choking,

i forgot they was right there honestly .

"oh." she trialed off , "ok." she nodded.

she laid her head on my chest while she sat on my lap, "was wrong." i moved her hair , "nothing." she mumbled with a small smile .


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