Chapter Seven: Jealousy 🍵

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Soarin's Pov 9:05am

"Here's your breakfast Mr. Soarin." My waiter Tom said, "Thank you Tom" I said as I sat up in bed, "My pleasure Mr. Soarin." Tom said as he left my room, I'm kinda feeling down, since Rainbow rejected me sort of... But she did say she liked me back... And kissed me... "Soarin!" Spitfire said as she busted into my room, she must have already eaten her breakfast. "Yeah..." I responded, "What's wrong?" She asked and sat on my bed, "It nothing... Rainbow just well, sorta rejected me, she said she wasn't really ready for a relationship..." I said and laid back down, "Aww, I'm sure she was just nervous... Don't worry you're big sis has got your back!" She said and ate some of my food...

Rainbow's Pov 9:54am

*Sigh* I can't believe I kissed Soarin... ARGH! Why did I reject him!? I should have said yes! ARGHHH! "Rainbow?! What's with the screaming?!" My mom said, oh they did I say that out loud? "Nothing, I'm fine..." I yelled back. After that I went to take my shower, and as I was coming out in my robe, I saw Soarin standing in my room, "S-SOARIN!?" I yelled, blushing... "U-Uh, hi?" He said blushing, "Uh, I just thought I'd drop by?" He said and turned around so I could change, "Okay, you can look." I said, "Wow, your cute." He said and pushed his lips against mine, after a bit he let me go. "Soarin..." I said sternly, "Sorry, sorry..." He said, "Um so, wanna head out with me to the cafe?" I asked him, "Sure." He said and picked up my purse, "You don't have to carry that..." I said, "No, it's fine I got it..." he said, and we went off to the cafe to grab some breakfast, I was about to pay for our food but, "Here let me..." Soarin said as he paid for my food, he's acting too polite? Or maybe that's just him... We sat by the window and Soarin once again, pulled up a chair for me... "What are you doing?" I asked, as I ate my food, "What?" He asked me, "Your just... More polite than usual..." I said, "I just really got depressed when you said no last night..." he mumbled, "So I thought maybe if I be nicer, you'd change your mind..." He almost whispered, "Aww Soar, don't be sad I just need some time for you to prove to me your coltfriend material..." I said and held his hoof, he smiled at that then suddenly "OMG! SOARIN! HE'S HERE GIRLS!" I heard some girls yell, *Fangirls surround Soarin* "OMG MARRY ME!" one said, "KISS ME!" another yelled, "NO MEE!" a third said and got up to the front of the crowd. Ugh, they're so annoying... "Ladies, ladies, calm down only one of you can have me..." He winked, I just looked away... Ugh I sorta feel jealous? No, I couldn't be... "Jealous beautiful?" Soarin said as the girls started to leave, "N-No..." I stuttered, "Don't worry, I love you..." He said and kissed me again. Only this time, I kissed back, "Okay, fine you win... I'll let you be my coltfriend if you can bring on an amazing date..." I smirked, "Yes! I mean, of course. Tomorrow at 6:00pm?" He stated, "Sure tomorrow, Soary..." I winked and kissed his cheek... "U-Um see you then!" He said blushing as we left the cafe.

Time Skip 2:07pm

I wonder what I should wear tomorrow... Maybe one of my dresses? I mean I have good taste, but Rarity doesn't think so... My dress is baby blue, with long sleeves... Pretty plain but classy, I wonder where my "future coltfriend" is going to bring me...

Soarin's Pov 2:37pm

*Soarin is walking back and forth* "Would you cut that out?!" Spits yelled, "What?!" I said and sat down on our couch, "Stop pacing back and forth, what's wrong?" She said and sat next to me, "I don't know where to bring Rainbow on a date... It has to be special!" I sighed, "Oh, well what about the movies? Wait no, too um not unique...

How about... AHA! A trip to France! That would be so romantic..." She said happily, "That's a great idea!" I'll buy her some winter clothes." I said as I went upstairs to shop for some clothes.

I have enough clothes for me, but I want Dashie to have the best time so, I went ahead and placed an order for some nice winter clothes for her, they should arrive today around 7:00pm.

Rainbow's Pov 7:27pm

*Yawn* I'm tired... I'm heading to Soarin's house... I wanna know where we're going... *Ding dong* "Hey Dash, Soarin's in the living room." Spitfire said as I went in, "Thanks." I said as she closed the door. "Soar?" I said as I looked around their house, "BOO!" A voice said making me jump, "AHH!" I said and fell into someone's arms, "S-Soarin? What's wrong with you?!" I said as he placed me onto his couch, "Nothing, I just thought I'd buy you some new clothes..." He smirked, "Their winter clothes?" I said as I picked up the clothes, which were actually pretty nice, "We're going to France!" He exclaimed, "FRANCE?! REALLY?! I LOVE YOU!" I said and pressed my lips against Soarin's... "I knew you'd like it sweetheart" He said and kissed me back, "Sweetheart? Seriously?" I said, as Soarin kissed my cheek, "Can I stay?" I asked as and laid down on his couch, "You're always welcome to stay here gorgeous" He smirked, "Let me call Wave, so he knows where I am..." I said and picked up my phone to call Wave Chill, "Um hi... Yes, I'm fine... Yeah, I was just wondering... NO OF COURSE NOT! I'm staying at Soarin's house tonight, Yeah, yeah, I know, no funny business... Okay, see you soon, I love you too, bye..." I said as I talked to Wave, "Okay, so do you have any extra blankets, or a sleeping bag?" I asked as I put my phone on a table, "Pff, you can't be serious... There's no way I'm letting you sleep on the floor." He said sternly, "Okay... Then what about an extra room?" I suggested, "No, no, no..."He shook his head, "THEN WHERE?!" I yelled, "With me..." he said as he held my hoof to his chest, "Uh, um... I couldn't do that..." I blushed, "But you've done it before..." He said. Shoot, what do I say now... "But I wouldn't-" I started but he gently covered my mouth, "Shh, you won't take up space, and plus, I could sleep on the floor..." he said and brought me upstairs, and I settled onto his big bed, "What's with the giant bed?" I asked as I brushed my mane, "For this..." he said and started kissing me, "SOAR-" I started but was cut off by him, "Yes princess?" He said and got off me, "I swear, if you touch me again..." I said in a deathly tone, "Okay, fine..." he pouted, "Soar, it's getting late. We should probably-" I started, "Cuddle?" He smirked, "N-No! Go to bed!" I said blushing, "Cwuddles? Pwessss?" He said with his puppy eyes, "Ugh, fine..." I said annoyed... *Cuddling time* "Hey guys! Oh, um, I'll just go now... Why do I always walk into these kind of things..." Spitfire mumbled...

A/N: Hey people out there! Hope you are enjoying this book as much as I am, writing it! Thanks for 60+ reads so far! And another thanks for 400+ reads on my other book, "Secret Soarin"! I really appreciate all the support! Bye!

(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

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