Shes Delirious

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My head blares and there's an intense pain in my spine. My brain recounts the events that it went through. My eyes flutter to reality and they're greeted to overwhelming light. I blink to adjust. My brain becomes foggy as I soak in my surroundings. It's an obnoxiously white circular room. I'm laying in a bed-just like the ones they have in the hospitals back home, except for without the beeping machines of death. My eyes are drawn upward, to a chisled skylight. I'm delighted to see a scarlet feild of scales and wings fluttering over. Their wings swooping lightly up and down, like their bodies are made of nothing.

"Oh my oh my! Sleeping beauty is finally awake!" A friendly voice chirps. I turn my head curiously. A small being waddles toward me. I'm not sure what she is but by her look and tone I know not to worry. She has a feild of greyed hair kept back in a tight bun and vibrant blue skin. She wears a simple outfit, a short white dress-like what I think nurses would wear in the 1950's. She has large eyes, they're specked with blue and gold with a glossy look over them. She bears a kind expression but her intensive stare makes me shift in my seat. I'm rewarded with a sharp jab to my side.
"I'm Mrs. Pollywell, but you can call me Polly" She explains. I would guess her to be around 50.
"Now dear, you've suffered some damage to your right ankle and you're face took quite a hit as well but it won't leave more then a scar" She explains with a wink. Her voice is soft and kind, she reminds me of my librarian.
"When will I be able to train again?" I swallow my emotions, terrified for the answer.
"Soon hopefully, we need to give your leg time to heal and any other cuts and bruises will only go away through time. You did break a few ribs but you'll be good as new with me taking care of you" She pauses to clear her throat and reaches for something I can't see.
"Drink" She forces a cup into my hand, its full to the brim with bright purple slop. I immediately repulsed but also transfixed.
"They didn't make me nurse for nothing child, so drink it all maybe then I'll let that cute blond boy in to see you" She exlames walking away. I take a cautious sip. It burns my tongue but then lifts into a sizzly tingle onto the roof of my mouth. It tastes like the smell of rain with a tinge of dog hair. I look down at the cup to find it empty. For some odd reason I'm disappointed. I put it on a pretty wooden table next to me. It's carved expertly, with pictures of horses and dragons. My thoughts shatter with the knock of a door. My eyes turn to where Polly disappeared to, a tall orange door that curves with the roundness of the room.
"Roan?" Says a shaking voice.
"Will?" My voice is strangly ecstatic.
She steps into the room wearily. She dips her head and closes the door, careful to be quiet.
"Will come here stop being weird!" I demand. A moment later she sitting on the edge of my bed.
"How is everybody?" I wonder, putting the jokes aside.
"Good. We miss you" Willows eyes avert from mine.
"And Kilijan?" I don't tell her I wished it was him who came in first.
"Bad. He thinks you're like dying or something and blames it on himself"
My heart drops.
"It's not his fault! I don't want anyone feeling like that"
"I have to go to class I'm already late...but I'll send him in"
"Thanks Will, come back later"
She gives a nod and starts off.
I whatch her walk through the door, and Killijan a second later.
His eyes look terrified, like a mouse encircled by cats.
He sits where Will was a moment ago.
"I'm okay" I tell him.
"It's my fault Roan, I'm the one that sent the shot-"
"Stop with that crap, it wasn't your fault so don't feel guilty"
"I'll feel guilty if you never bend again" he exhales deeply, like he had been waiting to let the words escape.
"I'll be bending again soon. I busted my ankle a bit but I'll be kicking your butt again in no time" I assure.
"Promise" He asks, cocking his eyebrow.

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