I Can Spot A Liar

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"Roan? Is that you?" Zeris calls from his room. I respond with a loud groan, forcing off my shoes. My feet sting from soreness and my chest aches from the excruciating three days of training. Every few days they give us a break-and this being our first one we get three days. I hear the unbearable collide of the leg of a wooden chair scraping against the floor.

"ZerIS!" I moan in complaint. He raises his hands in defense.

A low wale attacks my eardrums.

The door.

"Who the hell is that!" I screech, rubbing my eyes groggily.

"A friend, I met him the other day after practice" Zeris explains in a rush, his motions matching his tone as he scrambles for the door. I rub my temples as Aussie's vocal cords decide they want to run.

"Aussie! Shuddup!" I mumble. He groans an awkward whimper and spies something intriguing enough to bound into Seirra's room. I slide further into the brown leather couch, trying not to think of how it was made.

"Hey mate" A voice greets.

"Hey" Zeris replies.

That voice...It's...familiar...but where?

I fiddle with my clunky wrist bands, for once missing my phone. I wonder how Ember is. And mom and dad. I hear their footsteps enter our dorm and I curiously peer over the back of the couch.

"UGGhhhhhh!" I growl. Our eyes lock.

"Seriously?" He retorts, his tone bitter. Zeris wipes his hand over his face.

"What friendly tones are being exchanged" He mumbles.

"Can you just not be here" I snap.

"What you invaded my house am I not allowed to return the favour? Or is that just how it works back home in your mansion?"

I scoff in response, My brain not caffeinated enough to function. I slump back down ad pull my sweater around me.

"Roan!" Calls a shrill voice.

"Get your stupid dog out of my stuff!" It adds with a stamp of the heeled foot. Seirra whisks herself through her doorway and her eyes fall on my home intruder, or more commonly known as Troy.

"Well who do we have here? Zeris you didn't tell me you had any cute friends" Seirra giggles, curling her fingers around her hair. Troy and her exchange a glance.

"No! stop it that's just no-get out shoo shoo!" I usher in protest. Troy stabs me a look with his icy eyes. Zeris faces me with confusion.

"He's mean to me!" I whine.

"Oh no" Zeris retorts, going along with the bit. Seirra whisks herself without even the slightest hesitation through the door after him.

"Is he almost as bad as my big brother?" Zeris asks with a cringe.

"Almost, I can't even believe your brother! He's such a snob, so snide!"

"Imagine living with him Roan" He grumbles.

I hardly believed it myself when I found out that the older student who's been terrorizing me since first year is related to Zeris. And he's is brother to make it any worse.

"Boa is a handful. Even back at home he's getting into fights and running off with girls" Zeris explains, getting comfortable beside me. My eyes droop ad my body wants nothing more then to fall into a cleansing slumber but It's rare that Zeris talks about his life aside from Emerald. I'm intrigued by his words, but not surprised. Zeris's parents aren't desirable to say the least. I can only guess where the bruises and burn marks come from. I secretly wish I had been born with the special ability some Elemental's have, the power to restore life by healing wounds.

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