Chapter 18

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Previously on Chapter 17

"Hey, stop it!" Mika said. I just let out a chuckle as I wrap an arm around Yuu's torso. I'm so happy to have them in my life. The three of us will try our best to save the rest of our friends.

-A New Threat-


We run towards a certain direction. Yuu said that's where everyone should be gathering. I have a bad feeling as I hear the sound of screaming. Yuu and I share a worried gaze. We pick up our speed and runs.

"What is that?" I said to no one in particular. It looks like a girl, but she doesn't look human. She have wings on her back. "An Angel?" I muttered under my breath. I turn my head and notices Yoichi and the others. They're avoiding getting pierced by an iron like tentacles.

I notice Shinoa stumbling. The iron is coming towards her. My eyes widened, realizing she's in danger. I speed towards her, picking her up and jumps out of the way to avoid the incoming intrusion.

I place her down once we're safe. I take a look around, noticing a bunch of vampires around the area. I click my tongue in annoyance at the sight of them.

"Y/N..." she said. I turn to look at her and smiles softly. She smiles happily at me. She throws her arms around me, pulling me into a hug. I smile softly to myself as I return her gesture.

"Hey, Shinoa..." I said. I turn my head and jumps again while still holding Shinoa, avoiding the iron. "Just what is that thing?" I asked, pulling away from her. Shinoa turn her head to the direction I'm staring at.

"That's the Owari No Seraph" she said. I've heard about Owari No Seraph before. Mika have talked to me about it. How scientist is conducting an experiment on human to being out the Angel possessing inside the humans body. But from the way I see it... it's actually an experiment to bring back the dead.

I take a closer look at the girl. "Isn't that Kimizuki's little sister?" I said. Shinoa nods her head at what I said. I turn my head to look at Mika. He's injured pretty badly. I turn to Shinoa. "Take care... and be careful" I said. Without another word, I rush to Mika. I wrap my arms around him just as he's about to collapse.

I turn my head noticing someone approaching us. "Krul" I said. She turns to look at me. I can see the sadness in her eyes, because I still refuses to call her 'mom.' But now is not the time to be thinking about that. We're in a middle of a battle.

"We should go, too, Krul..." Mika said, with his arm still around my shoulder for support. Krul turns her attention to him. She glance at the wound on his side.

"Can you move?" She asked. I turn to look at his wound too. The wound wouldn't stop bleeding. Mika is injured pretty badly. Mika turn to look at his wound too. I stare at him worriedly. He turns to me, noticing the look I give him. He gives me a reassuring smile.

"I'm fine..." he said, removing his arm from my shoulder. I let out a sigh and nod my head. I know he's going to act stubborn about it. There's no talking him out of this fight. So the least I can do, is make sure he's alright.

"Ok, don't let the humans get a hold of Yuu, we'll retrieve him" Krul said. I just nod my head at what he said. She turn to look at me, then at Mika. "Oh and one more thing. Mika. Whatever you do... please make sure Y/N is safe and out of harm" she said. My eyes soften at what she said. Even in this type of situation... even after the way I acted and refusal to call her 'mom,' she's still worried for me.

"Yeah... I'll keep Y/N safe" Mika said. He's about to run forward when Krul pulls him out of the way, just in time for someone to jumps in for an attack. I soon realized that it's Crowley.

He lunges forward to attack, but Krul cuts off his arm. "I'm not done!" He said. But Krul land on his shoulders snd twist his head. He drops onto the ground. Someone else lands behind Krul.

"Watch out!!" I yelled out. But it's too late. Ferid already have a grip on her. He bites onto her shoulder. "No! Let her go!" I yelled out. I try to run towards them to fight Ferid off Krul. But Mika grabs my waist, preventing me from coming any closer.

"Don't... you can't win against him. Not in your current strength" he said. I turn to look at him as tears streams down my cheeks. I turn to look at Krul as she gives me a sad smile.

"He's right, Y/N. Forget me... you both, GO... now!!" She said. Mika grabs my hand and try to pull me with him. But I keep staring at Krul. "Go, Y/N. My precious girl..." she said.

"Mom..." I cried out. Her eyes widened as she smiles at me. She turn to Mika and mouth something to him. Mika nods his head and pulls me along. I run alongside Mika. I look back just in time to see mom losing her conscious in Ferid's arms. I'm sorry... mom.


We stopped not far from the site. We have to find out where Yuu heads off to. The last time I saw them was when Guren gets captured. Knowing Yuu, he would try to save him. I can only hope that Yuu is alright, until we can get to him. 

"There they are..." I said, pointing towards where Yuu is. He's battling against Guren who doesn't seem himself. He have an evil grin on his face. I was about to run towards them, but Mika grabs my hand.

"I'll handle him... remember I promised your mother to keep you safe" he said. He turns around and runs forward. I watch as Mika starts battling against Guren. I turn my attention towards Yuu who looks exhausted. I catch him just as he's about to fall.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He nods his head weakly. I turn my head to look at Mika as he battles against Guren. "He seem different. What's going on with Guren?" I asked, turning my head to look at Yuu. He turns to look at me and starts explaining how his dead fiancé is possessing him, and how she's controlling him now.

I click my tongue in annoyance. First the Angel, and now this. New threats just keeps on coming. There seem to be no end of this battle. What can we do now? How do we stop Guren?

*to be continued*

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