Chapter 11

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Previously on Chapter 10

"So... friends?" I said, offering a handshake to him. He stares at my hand for a few seconds. He smiles softly and gently hold my hand in his. He nods his head as he turns to look at me. "Friends..." he said, making me grin happily at him. Mika is just like me. He didn't want to live as a monster. I'd make it my mission to save him.

-Strange Emotions-


I'm just sitting in a room Krul gave me, inside the mansion. I sit by the window as I stare outside. It's underground, so there isn't sky to look at. But from the window here, I can see most of the place.

I hear a knock by the door. I stand up and walks up to the door, opening it to see the long white haired vampire. He grins as soon as he sees me. I let out a sigh and open the door wider.

"Can I help you?" I asked, taking one step out of my room. "The Queen wishes to speak to you" he said. I just nod my head and closes the door behind me. He turns around and walks away. I just follow him, not saying anything.

He leads me to the room where Krul is. He opens the door and turns to look at me. I just walk inside the room, and hear the door closes behind me. I turn my head to see Ferid isn't in the room. Which means, Krul wants to speak to me alone. I let out a sigh and turn to look at Krul, who's sitting on her throne.

She smiles softly when she sees me. I just look away from her. "Why'd you call me here, Krul?" I asked. I can hear a sigh coming from her. I feel her presence near me. Then a hand on the side of my cheek. She gently turns me to look at her.

"Is that how you're suppose to call your mom, Y/N?" She said. I just move my face away from her hand. I give her a cold gaze. "My mother's dead... along with my father. I have no parents" I said, coldly. She just stares at me in sadness.

"Y/N... you know that it wasn't my choice" she said. I scoff at what she said. "You do have a choice. It was to let me die... rather than letting me live my life as a monster. You could've just freed me. But no... all you care about is what you felt" I spat, glaring at her. Her eyes starts to fill with tears.

"Don't you hate me? After all, I'm not planned... you were... you were forced" I said, trying not to use that word. She may have destroyed my life. Even so, no matter what... I can't change the fact that she's my mother.

"No mother would hate their child, Y/N... no matter what happened" she said. I just stare at her, without saying anything. She walks closer to me, opening her arms as she tries to hug me. But I move away from her and shakes my head.

"Please don't come any closer" I said, in a soft voice. She looks hurt by my action. But I just ignore that expression and turns away. "If there's nothing else you need to talk about. Please excuse me..." I said. I turn around and walks away.

"Wait, Y/N..." she said, just as I was about to open the door. I let out a sigh and turn around to look at her. "What?" I asked. She stays standing in her spot, staring at me with a gentle gaze.

"When was the last time you fed? You look pale, Y/N..." she said. I just stays silent. She pours a red liquid into a glass. I can smell the familiar sweet scent, which instantly lets me know what that is. I hold my breath, trying to block out the scent. She walks over to me, offering me the glass.

"Drink..." she said. I shake my head and backs away. "No. I don't need it..." I said. She let out a sigh and grabs my hand, making me hold the glass. I want to move my hand, but she keeps it in place.

"Please... just this once. Do it for me..." she said. She slowly removes her hand from mine. I let out a sigh. I bring it closer to my lips and starts to drink it. The sweet taste of blood slowly streams down my throat.

"Happy?" I said, once I drank the whole content. She gives me a small smile and nods her head. I hand the glass back to her. I turn around and walks away from the room, without saying anything else.

I decide to take a stroll around. I can see children wearing livestocks outfit surrounding the place. I notice them staring at me. I don't actually care that these children keeps their eyes on me. What I care is how they stares. They are staring at me as if they think I'm going to pounce on them as soon as they turned their backs on me.

I turn around the corner and bumps into something hard. I look up to see it's Lacus. He grins when he notices me. I just roll my eyes and try to walk passed him. But a hand grab my wrist, making me halt.

"What do you want?" I asked, yanking my hand from his grasp. He let out a chuckle at my reaction. "Not so friendly, are you?" He said. I just scoff and rolls my eyes. It's rare to see Lacus by himself. Usually, he would be with René.

"Where's your friend?" I asked. He just grins at what I said. "Awe.. are you worried that I'm lonely?" He asked, cooing softly. I just grimace at what he said.

"Me? Worried of you? Keep dreaming. I just found it odd to see you all alone. Usually you and René would go around together" I said. He let out a chuckle and leans his face closer to mine, making me back away to maintain a good distance between us. But he just keeps on coming closer, trapping me between him and the wall behind me.

"Now that I take a closer look at you. You do have a few resemblance with the Queen. Tell me... is it all true? Are you really her daughter?" He said. I glare at him. I place my hand on his chest and push him away.

"That's none of your business!" I spat. He smiles as he stares at me amusingly. "You know... I notice you and Mika have grown quite close. What are you to him, hmm?" He said. He moves closer again, this time he places both of his hands on either side of me completely trapping me. I can feel heat rushing to my cheeks. He grins as he stares at me amusingly.

"Ahaa~ you do feel something for him, ey?" He said. I just look away from him. I feel a hand on my cheek as he caressed it softly. "Such a shame... Mika isn't capable of feeling something. All he cares about is his dear little human. How about you just be with me instead, hm?" He said. I just stay silent, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of showing any signs of emotions.

"Knock it off, Lacus... stay away from her" someone said. Lacus moves away slightly from me. We turn our heads to see Mika a couple of feet away from where we are.

"Here comes the knight with shining armor..." he said, gleefully. Mika just glares at him and walks over towards us. He push Lacus away from me and gently grabs my hand. He starts to pull me away from Lacus.

I can feel my heart beating rapidly against my chest. I thought vampires have no heartbeat. So where is this coming from? I glance at Mika, who's walking in front of me with his hand still holding mine. Lacus's words comes back into my head, making me start to question it...

Do I have feelings for Mika?

*to be continued*

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