Chapter 3

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Previously on Chapter 2

"That's what you get for making fun of a girl's appearance" I said, as they yelled out in pain after getting beaten up by Shinoa. I shake my head at them. I seriously can't believe these people. Their teamwork skills are horrible. But then again, these people are all I have now.

-Battle In The Station-


We're now inside the car, Kimizuki is the one driving it. I just lean my side against the window. The back seats are pretty cramped because there's four of us.

I let out a light chuckle at the sight of Kimizuki's and Yuu's face. "And that's why, you should never judge a girl's physical appearance" I said. Yuu turn to look at me.

"Yeah... I'll never talk about Shinoa's height again" he said. I just cover my mouth and giggles softly. They stare at me in surprise. "What?" I asked, in confusion.

"You just laugh..." Yoichi said. I turn to look at him. I turn to look out the window instead, trying to avoid their gazes. I was surprise myself that I can laugh. I thought that I'd never be the same after losing my friends. Maybe being in this squad isn't so bad after all.

Kimizuki suddenly stops the car, making me jolt a little. I turn to look at him. "What was that for?" I asked. I turn my head to look forward and notice a figure standing.

"There's a vampire. Let's get down and fight him"Kimizuki said. Yuu quickly stops him. "Stop! He's a noble. Kimizuki, run him over!" Yuu said. Kimizuki do as told. We jump out of the car, as soon as we're near the vampire.

But the vampire catches the car with ease, effectively destroying it. I stand up and face him. The others doing the same. It's six against one. We might have a chance to win this fight if we work together.

Out of nowhere, two more vampire appears. This time, the two of them are females. The situation have turned for the worse. This is bad... there's no way we are going to win against them.

"What are we going to do now? Should we retreat?" Yuu asked. I'm surprised he'd suggest that, since he seems to be the type to keep going forward despite the danger. I just stay silent as I eyed the 3 vampires across us.

"They wouldn't let us escape..." Shinoa said. Yeah, that's the problem. Vampires never backs down if they can have a chance to earn more livestocks. At this rate, they'd never let us leave... not without a fight.

The vampire with red hair turns his head to look at me. I can see a smirk spreading across his face, as he seem to recognize me. But I have no idea who he is. So I just keep on a stoic face. I prepare myself for a battle. But to my surprise, the three vampires turns around and jumps away.

"Are we... save?" Shinoa said. I can hear the doubt in her voice. I just drop my stance with a soft sigh. Part of me is glad that we manage to avoid the battle. The other part, wants to fight.

Now that our car is crashed. We've got no option but to go on foot. Not that I care... I don't mind going on foot. This is the first mission I've ever gone on that use a car. Usually, me and my old comrade would go on foot.


We're now standing in front of the entrance. Where the base of the vampires is located. The base where they kept the children as livestocks. I just stare at the entrance, silently listening to Shinoa that we have to ignore the children there and focus on slaughtering the vampires.

We slowly make our way down the stairs. There are kids everywhere. They look exhausted and depressed as they just lay around the ground. I feel my heart clenching painfully against my chest at the sight of them. But we have to focus on the goal. That is to kill the vampires. That's the only way for us to rescue the children here.

Shinoa signals us to lay low. She looks around the corner and turns to us. "There's one vampire there. We can take him" she said. The rest of us just nods our heads. Yuu runs forward and kills the vampire.

"Seriously, Yuu!" I said. He turns to look at me. "It was just one of them" he said. I let out a sigh and gently bonk his head. "Yeah, but what if his friends are around?" I said. He just shrugs his shoulders, making me roll my eyes. Just how reckless can this guy be?

Mitsuba walks towards him angrily. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop acting on your own!" She said. She tries to slap Yuu, but he grabs her hand.

"Like I said. It was just one vampire. You need to stop complaining and start giving me credits" he said. He suddenly pulls Mitsuba out of the way just in time for another vampire to attack. He blocks the vampire's attack with his sword.

"I've waited long enough. Now you're going to pay" Yuu said. The vampire smirks at what he said. "Just because you blocked me once-" the vampire's words get cut off as Yuu cuts him in half. Shinoa praises him. Then Kimizuki and Yuu starts bickering as always. I let out a sigh at them.

Suddenly the rest of the vampires shows up. But there's 2 of them. I lift my hand and dual swords appears in them. Yuu turns to look at me in shock.

"Didn't you use a spear a while ago?? Now a dual sword? What kind of weapon do you have, Y/N?" He said. I turn to give him a look. I can feel a tick mark appear on the side of my head.

"Goodness! Would you shut up! Now's not the time to act all surprised and gawking at your comrade's weapons. We're in a middle of a battle here" I said. He shuts up after that. "Right, sorry..." he said and turns to focus on the enemies again. I let out a sigh and focus on the enemies as well.

Suddenly, behind us the glasses breaks revealing three more vampires. "There's more of them... that little girl lied to us" Shinoa said. One of them swiftly grabs Mitsuba by her neck.

"Mitsuba!" Yuu screamed out. She turns to look at us with tears in her eyes. She shakes her head. "Forget about me... r-run..." she said. Yuu shakes his head. He looks determined to save our comrade.

He runs forward, successfully in saving Mitsuba. I let out a sigh of relief. But keep my guard up because there are more of them. The six of us stands in circle to protect one another. We're outnumbered and we are just human against these immortal beings. Can we win this battle?

*to be continued*

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