Chapter 16

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Previously on Chapter 15

Mika gently slips his hand with mine. He give my hand a gentle squeeze as he tries to comfort me. I turn to him and give him a weak smile. I turn to look at Aiko as she lays lifeless on the ground. I smile sadly at the girl who's been acting like a sister figure towards me.

I'm so sorry, Aiko...



After we're quite far from where René and Lacus were. We stopped walking. I can tell our action confuses the soldiers that follows us. I glance at Mika as he do the same. We give each other a curt nod. We turn to look at the soldiers. I summon my dual swords, while staring at them with a cold gaze.

"W-What a-are you doing, Y-Y/N-Sama?" One of them said. I didn't say anything and lunges forward, as I start to kill them one by one. Mika do the same with the others.

In no time, the two of us stands in the middle of dead vampire soldiers. I lower my hands as the dual swords slowly disappears. I turn to look at Mika, smiling softly at him.

"Now we can focus on looking for your family..." I said. He smiles and nods his head. He walks over to me, gently pulling me into his embrace. I wrap my arms around his torso. "You're going to be reunited with Yuu soon..." I said. I feel him nodding his head.

"Yeah... and it's all thanks to you, Y/N. Thank you. I don't know what I would've done without you" he said, in a soft voice. I smile softly as he snuggled closer to my embrace. I feel a soft kiss on the side of my head, as he slowly pulls away to look at me. "I love you..." he said.

"I love you too, Mika..." I said. He smiles softly at me as he slowly leans in. I close my eyes. Soon I feel a his lips gently pressing against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back.

We pull away, because Mika still needs air as he's still partly a human. "Now let's go get your family..." I said. He smiles softly at what I said and nods his head. We pull away completely and turn around. We run to the direction where Yuu suppose to be, along with the rest of them.


I stand on the ground as Mika stands on top of a broken car. In the distance, there's a group of the Imperial Demon Army running towards our way. I hear a gasp and turn my head to see Mika's eyes darkens. I follow his line of gaze to see Yuu on Shiho's back. He appears to be injured.

"Give me back Yuu!!" Mika yelled out, pulling out his sword. "My sword... drink my blood" he said. He jumps off the car's roof and start running towards them. I do the same, summoning my archery. I start shooting at them while making sure to avoid hitting their vital point. The last thing I want is to kill anyone.

The Demon Army soldiers starts to surround Mika. That's when I know, it's not going to be enough to just stand in this spot. I make my archery transform into dual swords. I run forward at a fast speed, and begin to fight them off.

As I fight, I feel something grazing the side of my head which cuts off the strap of the mask. My mask slowly fall from my face. I hear a chorus of shock gasps from them. I look around and observe their reaction. They're all gaping at me. Probably in shock to know that I'm a vampire. My gaze eventually landed on the people who have became my friends.

"Y/N..." Youchi said. I give him a small smile. I'm glad to see they're all alright. I sense movement behind me and swiftly jumps out of the way. I feel a something graze my side and wince in pain, placing my hand on the spot. I lift my hand to see red substance.

"Mika... get Yuu. I'll handle them" I said. Mika nods his head and focus his attention on getting his family back. I turn my attention to the rest of the Demon Army soldiers. "If you're shocked to see that I'm a vampire, then don't be. I've always been one. I only looked like a human due to a drug I created. I don't want to hurt you. Just let us take Yuu and we'll be on our way..." I said. They turn to look at each other.

"You're a traitor!!" One of them yelled. I click my tongue in annoyance. They run at me and I start to fight them off, still holding back to not hurt them. But they come at me with an intention to kill. I will not go down easily.

"Y/N! I've got Yuu! Let's get out of here!" Mika said. I turn my head to see him carrying Yuu. I nod my head and jumps out of the way. Shrinoa blocks an attack just as one of them lunges at me.

"Shinoa... you just..." I said. She turns to look at me and smiles softly. A tear slip out of my eyes, realizing she still considers me as a friend. "Thank you..." I said. She nods her head. I turn around and runs away, following Mika. I feel so happy to see everyone is alright. But they'd be in trouble after this for standing up for vampires like Mika and I. I hope they're going to be alright.


Mika struggled to carry Yuu on his back. I offer to carry Yuu, but he insisted to be the one carrying him. I can't argue with him seeing how stubborn and determined he's being.

I hear a thud and turn my head to see Mika on the ground. "Mika!!" I yelled out. I rush to kneel down next to him. I place my hand on his back and feels something wet under. I lift my hand to see blood.

"Damn it... my wound isn't healing properly" he said. I frown at what he said. He hold his neck, letting me know that he's thirsty. He grab his pouch, but finds out all the blood vial has shattered.

"Mika... if you need blood, drink mine" I said. He turn to look at me and shakes his head. I let out a sigh and place my hands on his shoulders. "But you need it, Mika. Go on and drink my blood. It's okay..." I said. He moves closer to me. I tilt my head to the side to give him access to my neck.

"I... I c-can't. I don't want to hurt you, Y/N..." he said, moving away from me. I let out a sigh and gently cups his cheeks. But he advert his gaze, avoiding to make an eye-contact with me.

"Mika... you're dying. You have to drink my blood" I said. He shakes his head, moving my hand away from his cheeks. I guess I can't force him to drink my blood. Seem like no matter how hard I try to persuade him. He'd keep on refusing. I don't want him to get hurt or worse... he could... no, I can't let that happen! But what can I do? How can I help him?

*to be continued*

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